Chapter Fifty-Two: New Team 7

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"Now that you mention it, no, I don't think so." 

"I don't care what you think! I won't be into this team, do you hear me?!"

"Listen, Akira, this is just temporary, okay?"

"Don't insist, I can't do it. And I won't," Akira stated firmly as she crossed her arms. 

"So you're refusing to obey an order from the Hokage? Should I remind you that ANBU memebers aren't supposed to discuss the Hokage's orders?" 

"Yes, now that you say it, I am part of the ANBU corps. And you said that you wouldn't fire me," Akira protested sharply, but without shouting this time.

"But I'm not firing you Akira. I've just said this would be temporary. Just consider this as an opportunity to improve your teamwork."

"Teamwork? What teamwork are you talking about? Naruto and Sakura are not my teammates and they'll never be!"

"Listen, teamwork is crucial for a shinobi. And you may be an excellent shinobi, but that doesn't spare you from learning teamwork."

Akira didn't know what to retort anymore. She clenched her left fist hard as well as her jaw to try to contain her frustration. 

Images of her former teammates and Sensei were passing into her head as if to make things worse for her. 

"I had only one team. And they are all gone now," she said in a voice so low that it was almost like a whisper. 

Mai observed Akira attentively for a little while before narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. 

"You know, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this but I'm going to tell you anyway. Kakashi lost his teammates when he was thirteen. And then he lost his Sensei as well. So he can understand how you feel. And I would like you to see that you can and need to overcome this pain and move forward. Hence my decision of putting you into Team Kakashi for a while, and Sasuke being gone just makes this occasion possible."

Akira's features instantly softened as her glare was replaced by a sad and thoughtful expression. Never had she thought that someone had experienced the same thing as her in their lives. 

A moment of silence followed, leaving Akira to think. 

"Alright. I'll do it," she finally said gravely, again in a low voice. 

Mai nodded and gave Akira a faint but genuine smile. 

"Don't worry, everything will be alright;" she stated as if to ease Akira's secret fears. "Plus, I know you want to protect your brother, and I'm sure you'll be able to do it," Mai said confidently. 

Akira looked at the Hokage with a poker face, but a small smile appeared on her face as she was still doing so. 

"Thank you," she said with gratitude into her voice. 

"For what?" Mai asked her as she raised one brow. 

Akira waited a few seconds before answering. 

"For being there for me." 

Mai smiled at her warmly. 

"But I am not the only one being there for you, you know. Remember what I told you three years ago." 

"Yes, but you always seem to understand me so well, unlike anyone else," Akira admitted thoughtfully. "How do you do this?" 

Mai seemed to be taken aback by the girl's statement. 

"Well, it's because of experience, you know. And I'm sure Kakashi will understand you much better than I do anyway, as I already told you." 

Akira nodded silently. 

Tsunade's daughter (A Naruto original fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin