- always and forever

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[word count: 381]

you gently set down your book on your bedside table next to you in bed. these nights specially are your favorite. sitting in bed, reading beside him, and then falling asleep in his arms.

"done reading, love?" klaus says to you smiling.

"yes i am, just for tonight. i would read more but i'm feeling sleepy" you reply with a small yawn. he leans over you and kisses your lips softly and you return the kiss, reaching up to touch his chin stubble.

"goodnight klaus. i love you" you told him while smiling gently.

"i love you," he responded. you lay back against your pillow and your eyes fall heavy leading them to close, unable to resist sleep any longer.

you wake, but it's still dark. as your eyes flutter open you see a small glow coming from the lamp near klaus' side of the bed. you look to your right at the clock and see it has only been a short time since you had fallen asleep. a small vase of flowers remind you of klaus; he had given them to you not so long ago. to your left you see klaus beside you with his sketchbook, laying on his stomach but propped up on one of his elbows. he obviously knew you were up.

"what's wrong love?" he asked you. you smiled knowing how much he cared about you.

"nothing, i don't know why i woke" you said. your eyes fuzzy from tiredness, you ask, "what is it that you're drawing?"

"just something very, very beautiful," he says and smiles.

"the flowers?" you ask curiously.

"no, darling. something much more beautiful than flowers" he replied as a grin slowly grows on his face. you tilt your head in confusion.

"what's more beautiful than flowers in this world??" you tell him surprised. he chuckled.

"you are" he said softly. you blush and he kisses your forehead, his small stubble grazing your cheek, making your heart flutter.

"i love you, klaus. so much" you said genuinely earning him a light smile.

"and i love you, y/n" he said as he always told you that. your eyes close softly as you smile, unable to suppress it. you love him and you know he loves you, always and forever.

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