- that kind of love never dies

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[word count: 424]

it was currently late at night about 3 in the morning and the constant knocking was preventing you from getting any sleep whatsoever. you knew who it was, no-one other than klaus mikaelson himself would be this determined, crazy, and stubborn to show up at someone's door in the dead of night.

mumbling words under your breath annoyed, you got up from the comfort of your bed and mentally prepared yourself for whatever was about to happen.

flicking on the kitchen light, klaus' shadow could be seen through the glass window on the door. you walked over and unlocked the door, opening it to reveal him.

"what is wrong with you? it's 3 in the morning klaus, people like to sleep at this time you know? what is so urgent that you couldn't wait until morning to tell me?" you asked the hybrid, who also wasn't looking all that pleased.

"our relationship is what's so urgent, or does that not matter to you anymore?" he said as he walked in, uninvited, but that still didn't stop him. "oh, no need to say anything love. i already know what your answer is going to be, since you ended things a mere few hours ago"

rubbing your temple you told him, "are you done? or do you want to yell at me some more?" he moved closer, just an inch but enough to make an impact.

"i would like an explanation, or is that asking for too much?" he requested calmly.

gaining a small piece of confidence you spoke, "come on klaus like you don't already have it all figured out! i ended things because being with you was not only dangerous, but hectic and relationships are hard enough but a relationship with a 1,000 year old hybrid? that's just too crazy!"

his face displayed no emotion on it and truthfully, you expected that to be the outcome because whatever you said, the response was always going to be the same.

"well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. our love will never die, i can promise you that y/n" he said as he stared your way just a little longer and then let himself out by the sound of the door being closed, leaving you to an empty room.

the only remaining sound that could be heard was the light flickering, before the room was surrounded by darkness. making you wonder if the light-bulb bursting was some sort of metaphor, or sign regrading your relationship with him.

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