- my salvation

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[word count: 696]

klaus swallowed thickly, the mind numbing pain invading every bit of his body, shadowing him in a black cloud of agony and pain.

his paralyzed state had been going on longer that he cared to think about. he wanted to see hope, to see how she was growing up. he longed to feel anything that was remotely happy. klaus tried to shut out the pain, to think of what made him happy.

"you just go and get yourself into the trickiest situations don't you?" you said softly to him.

klaus looked at you, the stunningly beautiful you. his wife, his life, his absolute source of happiness. the pain slightly diffused out of him as he gazed at you. you were glowing, smiling softly but sadly.

"you shouldn't be here. i shouldn't be able to imagine any happiness while i'm daggered" klaus said, his voice becoming low as pain hit his chest, the dagger digging further in, as if to remind him that this wasn't reality, that it may never be reality again.

"your love for me is strong enough for you to shut it off slightly, to find some peace of mind" you told him. your thumb softly traced his palm.

"how long have i been here?" he asked, his voice low as the pain kept getting worse and worse.

"2 years" you said gently.

"hayley still hasn't found a cure?" he asked, hopelessness piercing the air.

"she's trying so hard, we both are. we're so close to a cure klaus" you said while squeezing his hand.

"how's hope?" he asked, tears filling his eyes.

"growing more beautiful and strong by the second. she asks for you, every day. i see so much of you in her. she's so strong" you said smiling sadly. a tear fell down klaus' cheek and you wiped it away softly with your thumb.

"i miss her, i feel like i may never see her grow up" he said while his voice shaked a little.

"you will. i promise. i will find a way." you said fiercely and determined to do so.

"i miss you. so much" he said as his head fell down in defeat.

"i know you do. and i miss you" you said quietly, your hands fell on his neck as you pressed your forehead gently on his.

"it hurts. the pain's getting worse. and you're going to leave me when the pain becomes too hard for me to keep you here. and i can't do this alone anymore" he said, his voice was heavy with a mix of both tears and fear.

"i will never, ever leave you" you said firmly, urging him to listen. "you might not be able to visually keep me here much longer, to imagine me, but i am with you. i'm part of you niklaus. every fragment of pain you're feeling, i am too. and i will find a way to stop your pain. i will never stop trying" you told him.

klaus's shaking hands held yours as he softly pressed his lips onto yours. you could taste the salt of his tears on your lips and your arms gently fell around his neck. you hugged him tightly not wanting to ever let go.

klaus groaned as an intense pain made him. he fell to the floor, and you fell with him. your arms tightening around him.

"d-don't leave me. p-please" he said as he was sobbing in pain. "i can't be alone. please. i need you" he begged in desperation.

"i love you klaus" you said crying.

"no, no, no" he repeated not wanting you to go.

"i'm going to get you back as soon as i can. i promise" you assured him, he shook his head.

"no, please" his voice so much lower than before and full of tears.

"i love you so much" you said.

"i'm begging you. don't leave me. i can't be here without you" he said sobbing whiling holding on to you so tight.

seconds later, pain swallowed him up, making you disappear, making you turn to nothing, as the pain took his last shred of hope, as it took you.

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