- alter heartbreak

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[word count: 573]

"you look beautiful" your best friend caroline said while smiling widely. you looked at yourself in the mirror and found yourself smiling too.

your hair was in soft waves, with simple makeup and your dress was elegant, sophisticated, and stunning. and you looked amazing. you glowed with excitement.

"ready?" caroline asked with excitement. an infectious enthusiasm that made you grin.

"never have i been more ready" you whispered as she handed you the bouquet of flowers.

you walked up the aisle as the place grew silent and everyone gazed at you. your eyes were fixed on klaus, who was looking softly in your eyes. when you got to him he winked reassuring.

"you look absolutely stunning" he whispered. you smiled and bit your lip in happiness.

caroline stood slightly behind you as she was your bridesmaid. elijah stood slightly behind klaus and smiled at you gently.

you listened to the ceremony, your hands in klaus' and when it came to the vows, you were so ready to start the rest of your life with the love of your life.

"do you y/f/n take klaus mikaelson as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"i do" you said firmly.

"do you klaus mikaelson take y/f/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" klaus looked at you, the smile had faded from his face.

"i-i...no" he said. the place grew tense as you let go of his hands. "i-i can't. i'm going with caroline..." he whispered. you paused and looked at caroline.

"i'll go with you" she whispered to klaus grabbing his hand. neither of them looked at you as they flashed away.

you blinked numbly as everyone in the room looked at you. your heart broke into a million pieces as you pulled a clip from your hair. you stung with humiliation, and it took everything inside you not to break there and then. but your eyes were all watery.

"there's food in the hall" you said lightly. you then walked outside where you could cry and break down freely.

{4 months later}

"coming!" you called as the door knocked sharply. you answered it and the smile faded from your face as you saw klaus. he looked at you gently.

"i made a mistake" he said fiercely. just hearing his voice made you want to kneel over but you gazed at him blankly. "i freaked. i don't know what happened. i need you y/n" he said as his voice shaked.

"you can't have me anymore klaus. you had your chance but instead you left me. you humiliated me, you broke me inside out, you tore me to shreds. you left me for my best friend. i made a mistake doesn't cut it" you shrugged, your voice calm as your hands shook in your pockets.

"i'll do whatever i have to to make it up to you" he said, his eyes piercing yours.

"there's nothing to do klaus. you know me. you know that there is nothing you could ever say or do to make me forgive you, trust you, or love you again. that's all there is to it, and you know it" you said gently.

he opened his mouth to say something but you closed the door in his face. you leaned against it, before sliding to the door, your head in your hands as warm tears fell on your cheeks, your heart tearing all over again.

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