A battle of old friends - Chapter 20

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"You ready?" I ask as I help Merlin into some old armour, he lets out a nervous laugh.

"No, you?"

"I have fought many battles Merlin..."

There is a long pause.

"As have I... but this one is different isn't it.... Mordred was the one you killed you, the only man to ever beat you and for me... well he took away the one thing that meant anyth-...everything to me." I nod.

"I am sorry." A tear rolls down Merlin's cheek as I speak,  "I am sorry I left for so long, I wanted to come back, I really did. Every time you were hurt , every time you cried I could feel it and I tried so hard to come back but... but there was something... i don't know... something wouldn't let me come help."

"You're back now..." He smiles softly through his tears and wipes mine away.

"I love you Merlin and if today is my last then-"

"No... no today isn't your last day. I will give everything I have for today not to be that. I can't... I can't loose you again, that is the end for me. My being cannot go through that again, okay...?"

"Merlin, I am going to do everything in my power to prevent you from being hurt and if that mean-"

"NO! I can't... CAN NOT... go through that again. Ever. Please... please." He has tears angrily fighting their way down his cheeks.

I pull him close to my chest to stabilise him.

"Okay..." I whisper into his hair, "Okay."

** SAM'S POV**

I stand outside the door leading to their bedroom and make my decision. If anyone has to die, it must be me. I can't betray Merlin again and if that means sacrificing myself then so be it.


I lift my head from Arthur's shoulder and slightly prop myself up on my toes so I can reach his lips, I kiss him passionately.

"I love you so much Arthur Pendragon." He smiles and he pushes back onto my own.

He lifts me up and carries me to the bed...

**3 hours later**

We stand at the lakes edge.

"I want you two to hide in the trees." Arthur begins to protest but I carry on, "I'll fight him with my magic and hopefully that will be enough, but if it does look like I'm struggling then... and only then are you allowed to help." Arthur pouts but shrugs his agreement.

The two trudge off into the trees, I see Sam say something and Arthur shoot him a glare, I silently laugh and shake my head. About 20 minutes later Mordred appears from the paths that leads from near my house.

"Hello Merlin..." Mordred said announcing his presence.


"Please, do tell, where is Arthur?"

"I didn't want him to be hurt, I enchanted him, he is at home, asleep for the next 12 hours..."

"Shame I was rather looking forward to his presence..." I take a rather large swallow.

"So this is just between us then." He smiles, but I doesn't last long before it turns into a cold stare, "that went reaaal well for you last time, didn't it?" I sniff awkwardly and look away.

"So- how we gonna work this..?" He smiles

"Urm... I don't not, well I was kinda thinking that we, like-" I throw my first shot, a ball of fire, aimed right at Mordred's face.

If he were to rise again - A Merthur story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now