This is why you are here - Chapter 18

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I am sitting, curled up on my couch. I haven't moved in three days. Since Arthur left. Every time I need a drink or food I just use my magic. I refuse to let myself feel happy again, Arthur was the one thing that (when he came back) was supposed to make me feel happy again. But now I feel right back to what I felt when he was dead, if not worse. How am I supposed to push him away, he died and for 40,000 years all I did was wish that he was back and now he is and I'm to stubborn to see him, he thinks I hate him. Arthur was always noble, this 'betrayal' probably hurts him as much as it hurts me. No, I can't start feeling sorry for him.

Three knocks on the door alert me that I am, still in fact, part of civilisation.

"Who is it?" I rasp, weakly and rather rudely.

"Sam..." He squeaks, I hesitate, do I let him in or tell him to fuck off because his face isn't one I can't stand or trust to be in my house, "please Colin..." He pleads.

Colin... that was the name Sam knew me by, I am Colin now. Over the years Arthur was dead I had let the magic Merlin side of me fade, I had expanded my powers only to adjust to modern life where my past was considered a myth or a fairytale and my magic had to re hide itself. Over the past three days I had used magic to do everything and reconnected with my old self, I had become Merlin again and forgotten that now only one person now a days knew me by this name and they wouldn't talk to me, unless I talked to them first, out of respect. Even if I wanted to gain contact with Arthur again, I wouldn't know how, I hadn't given him a phone, he hadn't sent any news of where he would be staying and I had told him to leave in a moment of shock and rage but now I just want him back.

Two soft knocks, "Colin..?" Came Sam's worried response to my silence.

Him. Him I was not ready to forgive, I'm not sure why it's different but it is and I can't stand him. I know it's unfair to blame him but I do.

"Sam... go away..." I say defeatedly.

I hear a loud sigh from the other side of a door before Sam audibly rests himself against it.

"Colin please..." I sigh, my eyes glow a brilliant gold and the door swings open.

There was no point in hiding my magic from Sam, he has already seen me smash the coffee table with nothing more than a thought and there was no energy in me to explain how else that could have happened.

I turn to the door and allow my magic to open it. Sam stands there in shock before he almost shakes it off and comes to sit down on the opposite couch.

"What happened in here?" He asks looking around at the monstrosity of my bungalow.

"I got angry." I mutter. Nothing was left standing, to say it was a tip would be an understatement, bookcases where everywhere, tables where flipped over, glasses and plates where smashed , pictures were thrown of walls and of course I had done this all without moving from my place on the settee.

"What's happening Colin? And I don't mean between us, or you and Arthur. I mean something is going on that your not telling me about." I have only known Sam for about 3-4 years so the fact he had caught on to the magic I have only used in front of him twice in a world were magic isn't something that people believe in makes me laugh due to the fact I was around Arthur for 11 years constantly using my magic in front of him, while he was searching for people with magic, and I even told him multiple times (for example when I tried to protect Gwen) that I had it and the fact that he didn't believe me or think that I was a sorcerer makes me want to double over and laugh till I cry. But I only chuckle.

"Sam if you are going to continue to pester me then there is something you should know..."

I tell Sam everything, from the fact that I am actually 40,029 years old to the fact that I have magic and Arthur is actually and ancient king risen from the dead here to protect us from yet another person risen from the dead that was actually the one that killed Arthur decades ago and attacked me and Sam in this century.

If he were to rise again - A Merthur story [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon