First strike - chapter 8

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'I have asked for Arthur and you have denied my request... you asked for what's coming."

"Mordred..." I gasp, throwing myself upwards into a sitting position.

These dreams of Mordred talking to me were becoming to often for my liking, it had been two weeks since Mordred had risen from the dead but his silence scared me more than if he were to act out, it meant he was planning something.

I span to look at Arthur who was still sleeping soundly next to me. In OUR bed, well MY bed but he's like claimed it apparently, with his wriggling legs and stretched out arms.

I lie down on his chest and absorb his warmth as he wraps an arm around me pulling me closer and resting his head on top mine, I smile softly.


I had felt Merlin climb out of bed around an hour ago but I wasn't an early riser and was determined to sleep until at least 10:00 am, it was only 9:00 so I was content will sleeping longer, I could hear Merlin faintly clattering dishes in his kitchen but easily ignored it and rolled over taking in Merlin's sent from the sheets happily.


I was emptying the dishwasher from last nights dishes and loading it with my breakfast ones when my front door flew open.
"MERLIN! MERLIN!" a voice yelled weakly from the front room, I ran out to see what was happening
"Sam?" I ask, although I could already tell it was him, "OMG SAM!" I scream as I kneel at his side.

My friend had blood pouring from various places, was black and blue all over, struggling to breathe and collapsed on my living room floor.

"ARTHUR! ARTHUR COME QUICK!" I scream through my tears, Sam, although I had buffened up in the past decade, was too heavy for me to lift.

Arthur came charging into the room looking beyond scared, when he spotted Sam, his eyes widened but I also saw him push his fear to the back of his mind, the way he used to in a battle or a fight against bandits and beasts, he scooped Sam into his arm and lifted him onto my couch, I smile slightly at the way he did what I wanted without me having to ask.

I run to my kitchen and grab the first aid kit, I wrap a bandage around one of Sam's small wounds but decide magic would be the only way to heal my friend as I lifted up his top to reveal an open shoulder, slashed stomach and torn abdomen.
As I observe Sam's wounds I find a engraving in his side 'mordred' was carved into his flesh. This was it, our warning, my dreams weren't dreams they were telepathic messages from Mordred. How could I be so stupid not to realise?
"Þurhhæle dolgbenn" I say as my eyes glow gold and I place a hand on Sam's chest, nothing.
"Licsar ge staðol nu" I try but again nothing, however these were simple spells and Sam's wounds weren't simple, they were deep and life risking.
"Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!" The most powerful healing spell, given to me by Kilgharrah himself to cute Morgana after she suffered her head injury, my eyes flash gold one last time as a rush of power flows through me and Sam's cuts start to heal themselves slowly. I breathe a sigh of relief.

As I turn to Arthur with tears of happiness flooding my face I notice him roll his eyes, I choose to ignore it though focusing on Sam.


Yes, his friend was dying but did he have to you magic in front of me so obviously, he knows of how I grew up, how both my parents died from it's usage, how it turned my beloved sister and yet still he uses it.

I had learnt to accept that Merlin had magic but I had not learnt to like it. Merlin used it for good and I had to remember that or it may turn me too.

**Authors notes**

Hope you like this chapter, I know it's short but I may get a long one done this weekend on the way too and from London hopefully 🤞🏼.

I should get a lot done over the next few weeks as I am off school and will have a lot, A LOT, of time on my hands 😂. #onlysociallyawkwardpeoplerelate

Anywho, toodles! Please vote and comment because it makes my day 🥰

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