An upcoming battle - Chapter 19

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Arthur stirred beneath me, alerting me to the fact that he was awake.

He moaned as he opened his eyes, "morning..." he yawned.

I let out a soft laugh and scooted closer, turning my head up to face him. I had dreamed of this moment all my years in Camelot, to rather wake up with him than have to wake him up.

I was smiling up at him sweetly, he still had his eyes closed but I could tell he hadn't fallen back to sleep because of his breathing pattern.

"Merlin..." he groans
"Quit staring at me... it's freaking me out."

I giggle and he finally opens his eyes and smiles back at me,

"How did you know!?" I laugh

"I've been trained to know when I'm about to be attacked for as long as I've been trained how to fight... I just knew." Another laugh escapes my mouth and Arthur smile fades into one of confusion.

"No. Sorry. It's just you weren't very good at it back in Camelot, hence why I had to save your behind so many times." I giggle and he hits me upside the head.

"Clotpole..." I mumble sitting up and rubbing my head which only made Arthur laugh.

"Shut up..." I smile and swing my legs out of our bed and head into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


"ARTHUR, PANCAKES!" I shout through to Arthur who's still in the bedroom.

"Oooooo I love pancakes! Be there in a sec!"

I laugh and start stacking them onto the plate, humming to myself softly.

"what the hell is he doing here?" I hear Arthur say behind me in his commanding king voice only those who dared to anger him in Camelot knew of.

I spin around to find Sam standing in the doorway looking slightly scared and slightly mused.

"Hey Sam..." I sigh, rolling my eyes and turning back to the oven.

"Sup C- Merlin?"

"Call him Colin!" Arthur orders, I smile quietly to myself, "you don't deserve to call him Merlin! You didn't know him as Merlin! Merlin is mi-"

"Alright Princey chill your undergarments..." I can almost feel Arthur rolling his eyes.

"Why are you here Sam?" I ask begrudgingly.

"Just coming to check on my mate!" He says cheerily.

"No... not your mate..." I snap

"Yeah... right...well coming to check on an old friend... a very old friend." He corrects himself.

"Why Sam?" I spin around

"Why not..."

I roll my eyes again, "Sam?!?"

"Sorry..." he mumbles, "I saw Mordred in town today... I shit myself... don't forget he came for me too and at the time... sure I didn't know why but it left a mark physically and mentally, I mean I have his name frickin' engraved in my chest, what the hell are future hookups gonna think?" He pauses, "look I'm here because you people," He circles Arthur and I with his hand, "you've defeated him before and... I don't know if you can do it again but I'm willing to give you a shot! Hell, you have magic and I read up on your history a bit and apparently, Arthur, you're the best- "

If he were to rise again - A Merthur story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now