Excalibur - Chapter 13

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I groan lightly as the lights irritate my eyes through my eyelids. I instinctively lift a hand to block the light bothering me but as my arm leaves it's place from beside me, where it had been resting on the bed, a surging pain shoots from my fingertips to my shoulder blade causing me to scream out in pain.

"Colin!" An excited shriek sounds from the opposite side of the room, just as I erupt into a violent coughing fit.

The owner of the voice, Sam, hurries over to me and brings me up into a sitting position as he gently rubs a warm circle on my back in order to guide me out of my pained splutters.

As I lay back down having gained back control of my throat I smile weakly at the man next to me.

"Colin! Thank god your awake! The doctors were really getting worried and saying that you should have woken up just over a week ago."

"I've been in a coma?" I sound rough and exhausted.

Sam nods, "Medically induced...2 weekssss... yesterday? And this is only the second possibly third time Arthur has left your side through all of it. That's his chair." He lists as he points to an uncomfortable looking leather chair that stood impossibly close to the bed. Then my eyes scan the room finally realising Arthur isn't there.

"Where is he?" Sam shrugs and takes his turn to scan the room.

"He has been gone a long time though." His brow knits as his eyes fall back on me.

"Did you see him before he left?"

Sam smiles, "Mmhhmm, he asked me to watch you while he was gone..."

"Did he say where he was going?!" I say painfully pulling myself back up into a sitting position.

"No," he looks around the room again as if searching for Arthur, "he's been gone unusually long now though..."

"What the hell Sam!?" I actually jump off the bed this time and attempt to slip on the hospital slippers that lay untouched on the floor.

"Colin sit down..." he sounded angry deep down but it was mostly hidden with the sound of concern layering over his voice.

"No Sam I'm going to find Arthur..." as soon as my feet attempt to take a whole step my knees give way and collide with the floor, I scream out in pain. Sam immediately runs over and lifts me back onto the bed where I just sit and cry into his shirt.

I keep saying Arthur's name I hope that, like the Bloody Mary game I have seen kids play, he will just appear.

"Merlin?" I hear Arthur's voice call from the door, I lift my head and Sam scoots off the bed making room for 'the prince' to sit down.

"Where have you been?" I croak as Arthur gently pulls me into a hug.

"I had to retrieve something. I'm sorry Merlin." I rest my face in the crook of Arthur's neck allowing me to breathe more freely. He kisses me lightly on the forehead as he pulls away.

**ARTHUR'S POV*2 hours earlier**

It was freezing and despite the promised comfort, modern day clothes are not very insulated. I tugged Merlin's old coat closer to my body in an attempt to trap some heat. I shove my hands further into my pockets as I trudge down the muddy path that, even after thousands of years, has rarely changed; the trees still twist together at the side of the road, the flowers (that Merlin had once told him the names of but he has long forgotten) still scatter themselves in the little grass that remains.

At last I can see the light reflecting of the water, as I edge nearer I start to question the decision I made, I left Merlin so I could retrieve my sword to protect him, I didn't even know for sure this is where my sword is but it's better than nothing I can't risk being vulnerable if Merlin is in need, his life must come first.

I stare at the lake knowing this was the place I died, this is the place I last knew where my sword was. I look around looking for any raise in the ground where something may be buried however over all this time it surely would have evened itself out, I start to move toward the forest in hope of finding it yet again thrust into the stone but as I turn to leave I hear something move suddenly in the lake.

I spin to find a slender arm emerged from the centre of the lake and small wooden rowing boat at the waters edge, the hand holds a long blade that has ancient ruins etched into each face, 'take me up, cast me away.' Gaius has once told me it meant, I can't read it from here but I would recognise Excalibur anywhere. I hop into the boat and it automatically moves despite me not having rowed.

When I reach where the sword is held the hand simply passes it to me and as it does a voice sounds in my head, just like it had last night but this time instead of the voice being deep and evil it was delicate and had a beautiful accent, 'for Merlin...' it said gracefully before retrieving the arm back into the depths of the water.

"For Merlin." I nodded and the boat started up again and retreated me back to shore. When I think the water is shallow enough I jump out of the boat and run immediately toward the hospital.

*Real time*

I had popped out to grab Merlin a drink and when I returned Sam was crying into his lap and Merlin was just staring at him wide eyed. I close the door gently behind me and look questionably at Merlin he just shrugs lightly. Sam sniffs into the bedsheets.

"I made a mistake and I am sorry! But I cant help how I feel!" I stand there frozen in shock as my world seems to crash around me. How much had Sam said? Merlin hand lifts and gently rubs a soft circle, but just as he lays his hand down Sam shoots up and stares horrified at him.

"I...I... Your awake again! How long have you been awake?!?!" The other man stutters out.

"Not long?" 'Colin' says lifting his hands up in surrender.

Then Sam's eyes land on me and his tears start to flow again before he mumbles sorry and rushes from the room.

"Sam?!?!" Merlin shouts after him but when Sam doesn't stop he just shrugs then smiles at me as I take my seat next to his bed.

**Authors notes**

OMG!! I just found out I'm #5 in 'merlinxarthur' , and 748 reads!!!! thank you so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!

So I decided to re-write this chapter then forgot what I wanted to happen then my school decided to throw me a few exams so I have been revising for them and I also finished Merlin so have been dealing with the expected sadness that follows 😂

see you in the next chapter...

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