Another return - Chapter 6

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I was on my third book of the week, it was on modern day medicine, Arthur was sitting on the couch staring at the off TV, confused.

"Would you like to turn it on?" I ask smiling above the pages of my book.

"On?" His whole face scrunches with confusion.

I laugh, "Arthur would you like to learn about the modern day world?"

"I thought you already told me about that. Like that fire torch in a glass so on so forth."

"A light bulb?" I giggle "Arthur if you want to live in the modern world your going to need to know more than the light bulb."

"For instance?" He stands up trying to look intimidating, I blush.

"Well the INTERNET for one," I say it as if it's an obvious thing, "Divorce is
now legal..." I say matter of factly

"WHAT?!?!" He eyes widen, "Divorce was out of the question in my age."

"Precisely what I am talking about..." I say rubbing my eye from sleep. I lift up the remote and press the on button, "this is a television Arthur, most people watch it for entertainment," I state. His eyes look, angry?


I know I already knew about Merlin's magic but seeing him use it made me furious, I tried to love the part of him that was plagued with evil my father hated, but although I didn't despise magic I wasn't very welcoming to it either, after all both my parents had been taken by it and it had turned my warm hearted sister cold as ice.
"Arthur?" Comes Merlin's unsure voice, I snap out of my trance and try to pretend my anger is not bubbling at the surface,

"How did you do that?" I say looking the raven haired man in the eyes but he just laughed showing a beautiful toothy grin that made almost all of my anger melt immediately, "you didn't incant a spell?" He just laughs harder

"Arthur this is no magic, it's electricity, invented by Benjamin Franklin, but it's argued it was really invented by another..." I could feel my eyes looking confused this made Merlin laugh again, I loved when Merlin laughed, his smile really did light up a whole room but it did become a bit obnoxious when it was at me constantly. "Arthur it's fine no one will ask you who created electricity, besides I met Ben and he wasn't very nice anyway." He sighed walking over to his oversized bookshelf, some books looked very old, some relatively new and some I even remembered being in Gaius' chambers from all the times it was raided during a witch hunt. Merlin picked up a tatty looking book from the bottom shelf.


Truthfully I had almost forgotten I had written it. During the 1800's after all the major inventions started happening I started writing them down in detail so one day when Arthur did return, like I had hoped he would for centuries, I could teach him and keep him up to date but, despite my hoping, Arthur still did not rise for another 2-3 hundred years, and sometime during that era I had completely forgotten about the book until now that is.

I blow the cover to rid of the dust it had gathered over the years.

"What's that?" He asks suddenly very curious, I glare at the book as if I was struggling to read the cover,

"How... to be... a CLOTPOLE. Wow did you write this Arthur? I had no ideas you were an author..." I giggle but he just death stares me causing me to roll my eyes, "I wrote this for you three hundred years ago and then completely forgot about it. It's a guide to living modern day life, it tells you about a lot of major inventions, the style changes, the new trends. However I fear only the inventions part will come in useful as I haven't written in it for almost two hundred years and the fashion has slightly changed. I cringed at my errors, but Arthur smiled at my thoughtfulness.

"Thank you..." he whispers next to me,

"What the ACTUAL hell..." I say, head jerking back, he looks almost scared, "Did I just hear Arthur Pendragon say the T word? I thought it was physically impossible." I chuckle at my own joke and Arthur shakes his head while suppressing a laugh. He scans through the book, I kiss him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He asks and I shrug, I kiss his lips gently and feel his smile pressing against mine.

"Mmmm, I love you..." he says resting his forehead on mine 

"Well I am very lovable..." I smile widely until he wacks me on the back of the head, " OWW!" I grimace. He forces his lips on mine and I laugh with surprise, I kiss him back until my ears tune into something said on the TV, 'Another suspected drunk man found in the forest north of the lake of Avalon. Is this becoming a weekly event?" I snap my head to look at the screen, the news is playing and in the back is a man wrapped in a blanket being checked by a paramedic. I peer at the telly as I try to make the image clearer, he is wide build, curly hair, suddenly he turns to the camera that had him in shot and my mouth drops.


**Author's notes**
So I got my first vote the other day and almost died of happiness 😂
Thank you so much for your comments and votes. Please feel free to leave any suggestions, it really helps and I really hope you are enjoying the story! If you don't please leave constructive criticism and I will edit to make the story better for everyone
See you tomorrow or Sunday xx

If he were to rise again - A Merthur story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now