For Arthur - Chapter 9

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I pushed the thoughts away and knelt at Merlin's side, he was crying of happiness but his tears of fear still cling to his cheeks; staining them.

I pull him into my chest and he buries his head into the fabric of my shirt, I kiss his hair and try my best to comfort him, but situations like this were never my strong suit.

I looked at the frail man on the couch as he slowly healed. 'Thanks to Merlin...' I thought, 'Magic isn't all bad' I try to convince myself, 'Merlin is good.' I didn't have to convince myself of that, it was something I had known since the day I met him and he tried to help that serving boy, despite knowing he was standing up to Camelot knights, he had only reaffirmed my knowledge when he saved my life on numerous, obvious occasions, like his first week in Camelot and saved me from the knife someone through at me, then drank from my poisoned chalice and warned me about Valiant. I pull him even closer and rest my lips on his dark locks, before resting my cheek in the same spot.


'Mordred... Mordred we need to talk.'
I say firmly in my mind.

'Ahhhh, Emrys... how have you been?"

'Cut the crap Mordred, we both know why you've returned and we both know I am not going to let that happen.'

Mordred's cold laughter echoed through my head, sending a chill down my spine.

'No, you always did get in the way of peoples plans didn't you.' He said harshly, 'What I want to know is how far would you go to protect your beloved Arthur.'

'Arthur may no longer be King or Camelot but I love him and am willing to die for him just the same.' Again his cold laughter ripples through my scull.

'The knights and I always did say you two would get together,' he chuckles

'What do you want me to do Mordred.'

'oh, quite to the point, I like it.' another soft laugh comes from his side of the conversation, 'I want you to give your life for Arthur, one, last final time. We will finish it, where you thought it all ended years ago. Tomorrow.'

No hesitation, 'Done!' and with that he was gone, no reply, apart from the vague smile I could sense him give.

I look at Arthur and smile, tomorrow I would give my life for him, Arthur would be safe even if it meant me going.

Arthur looks away from the TV and looks to me and smiles back, kissing me on the cheek, I blush and turn to face Sam, 'Thank you...' I whisper, I swipe at a tear trailing down my cheek and rest my head on Arthur's shoulder, cuddling into him.

I am doing this for Arthur, he's going to be safe, I have no need to worry.

'For Arthur.' I whisper before falling asleep on him, 'For Arthur.'

**Authors notes**

Big chapter coming within the next few days so i wont be updating until then.

until next time...

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