markings - Chapter 12

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It was as if even the darkness had left me. There was nothing. But now there was something. Blackness, it was more than I had, had in, I don't even know how long. It seemed to just be black for ever, but I was taking it, it was hope, to me the darkness was a new light.

It started at my toes, I had feeling in my toes, I couldn't move them but I could feel them. It slowly spread up to my knees, the feeling was coming back but it was really taking its time and with the feeling came pain, all the pain I had felt from just before the darkness left. At the moment it wasn't excruciating as I hadn't suffered to much injury to the feet but when the feeling came to my knee and later my hip I wanted to scream Bloody Mary I was in so much agony but I couldn't move, I had to just lie there as the pain slowly got worse the more upwards the feeling was.

When the feeling returned to my stomach and back, I was writhing in agony but I again just had to deal with it, as the feeling crept up into my chest I felt something warm pressing on me, holding me, this only added to the pain as whatever it was, was resting on a cut but it was comforting to have the warmth again. Slowly for what seemed like days the feeling returned to my body bit by bit, and at least once a day the warm pressure would return to my torso or chest.

After I had fully regained feeling in my body, toe by toe, leg by leg I was able to move. Not that I particularly wanted to, the pain of even shifting slightly sent me into fits of suffering, so I lay still, waiting for my whole body to gain movement.

Every now and then conversations could be heard from another room and occasionally someone would talk to me, their voice would send shivers down my spine, his tone was deep, powerful and had a sense of authority but at the same time sounded weak, fragile and on the edge of breaking into tears, my heart bled for whoever was on the other side of my darkness, sometimes he would cry, sometimes he would cry into my cuts for hours but I didn't mind, I appreciated the company.

What seemed like forever ago the man was talking about how he screwed up and how I would hate him, but I wasn't even aware that I knew him. How could I hate a man I don't know?

I slowly felt my chest begin to move, the warmth was not around at the moment but I could hear his voice hissing in another room, someone else's voice hissing back.

I spluttered for breath, gasping for every opportunity to fill my lungs with air, it caused me pain with each breath I took but carried on. As my breathing began to slow, I lay back down, still focusing on keeping my chest rising a falling, my head started to fill with memories, cramming what seemed like thousands of years worth of knowledge into my scull. Things started to come back to me slowly but not the agonising slow I had been dealing with for a while but a few minutes tops. The warmth was the feel of a human touch, the cuts had been from a fight I had been in down by the lake, the deep voice was... ARTHUR.

"Arthur?" I wince, a new volt of pain surges through my chest and gushes of blood push up through my throat, I cough viscously only causing more pain and more blood, the talking from the other room, my living room, stopped suddenly, the house was pin drop silence apart from my choked splutters.

The door, after a gentle push, creaked open to reveal two blonde men standing astonished in the door way. The taller, more handsome figure fell to his knees and sobbed, the other just stared at me for moments longer. The one I recognised as Arthur, stood up and ran towards me, pulling me closer than I thought was humanly possible, I scream in pain but he seems unable to let go of me or even loosen his grip. I peer over the kings shoulder to stare at a still speechless Sam, staring wide eyed and open mouthed at me, a living me being embraced by a sobbing Arthur.

"Co-?" He starts, scrunching his eyebrows, "Colin?" He sounds breathless from shock.

As I go to reply, Arthur finally releases me from his hold but only to place his lips on mine and smile into a passionate kiss. As he leans back I can see blood on his t-shirt, I stare down at my stomach and realise it's coming from me, I was drenched in blood, the bed was drenched in blood, Arthur was drenched in blood. He looks at me in horror,

If he were to rise again - A Merthur story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now