My blonde prince - Chapter 7

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"I can't lose you again..." I said to the darkness, "I cant lose you again..." I repeated over and over.

I rolled onto my side to look at the man I lost all those years ago, the man I now had back and better yet, the man I could now love openly. I smiled as I looked at Arthur's peaceful, sleeping face but frowned when I realised how much it resembled the same lifeless one, the pale skin that contrasted with he dark pool of blood that had stained his dirty chain mail.
"You are to precious to me." I say grazing the backs of my fingers lightly over Arthur's strong, tanned cheek.

I slowly climbed out of the bed pulling on a blue t shirt, black jeans, and black fleece jacket, pulling it close to my chest as I entered the cold, very early morning/late night air.

I walked around the park near my house until the sun rose, my head swimming with thoughts. If Arthur died again I wouldn't be able to wait again, Arthur would come back to the world alone, if he came back at all. I shudder at the memory of Arthur's last words.

"Well, well, well..." I hear from behind me,, I stop dead in my tracks


I groaned as the light seeped into the room, I turned to place a hand on Merlin's torso but my arm fell straight to bed sheets, I open one eye, confused.
"Merlin?" I say, I sit up and look around the modern chambers, "Merlin?!" I shout hoping he is in the kitchen.

After no reply I step off the bed and walk in to the small kitchen/living room, no Merlin.

"Merlin?" I say getting worried, I look out the window but he's not in the Garden or the front yard.

I try to open the door but it's locked from the outside, I pull on the handle frustratedly, but when I fail to get it open I punch the wall. Where is he? What if he's in trouble? What if Mordred has harmed him? Or threatened him that he'll hurt me if Merlin didn't do something? Merlin would, despite my anger at it, always give his life for mine even though I am no longer King.

**3 hours later**

I had been sitting on the sitting bed for hours allowing my thoughts to control my actions, tears staining my face as I thought of the possibilities of where Merlin could be.
As the hand hits the number 10 on the ticking machine on the wall the door handle jiggles and the door opens wide, I run over and embrace the raven haired idiot into a tight hug, he laughs softly and leans in clearly taking in my heat as he was freezing, I step back smile at him while I wipe my eyes and slap him on the back of the head.

"Ow! Holy old religion! What was that for?"
"Where the hell have you BEEN?! I have been worried sick! And I swear if you say the tavern— "

"No! No... I went on a walk to clear my head and bumped into a friend of mine."

For the first time since Merlin came through the door I took in my surroundings, behind Merlin stood blonde with thick rimmed glasses, who was kinda cute...

"Arthur, Sam. Sam, Arthur" I take the mans outstretched hand and he blushes at the contact.
"Colin's friend." He smiles
"Who? Is that a saying?" I asked confused turning to Merlin, whose eyes widen
"No, I'm Colin. Are you drunk again Arthur?" He says through gritted teeth, "excuse us Sam." He pulls at my arm until I walk with him to the bedroom, I give one last look at Merlin's friend who blushes again as our eyes meet.

Fuck, I had forgot to tell Arthur I had changed my name. I pulled on his arm nervously until we are safely in my room.
"Quick story. I changed my name. I am Colin now. Okay? Okay. Let's go." I say briskly walking to the door but Arthur grabs my arm and pulls me to his chest making my knees go weak,
"Big details to leave out, Colinnnn." I giggle and peck him on the lips but he just pulls me back for a deepened kiss, I lean into him more, if possible, and wrap my arms around his neck.
He pulls away and smiles while looking into my eyes longingly, then spins me round and marches me out the door, I laugh as I try to resistBut he just picks me up and carries me into the living room.
I grab his hand as he puts me down and turn back to face Sam.
"Sorry..." I laugh, leaning in sideways to my blonde prince.

**Authors notes**
Okay so I know it isn't Saturday or Sunday but I finished my Merlin rewatch this weekend and it's still soooooo sad even though I've watched it like 8 times in the past year 😂 hope you understand.
Please let me know if you liked this chapter and what you want to see next time 🥰 please vote if you like the story it warms my heart every time ❤️
See you next time...

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