Strangers | Jin x Maknae Line

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I wrote this sometime last year, like mid 2019? It took way too long for me to finish and it's pretty bad in my opinion, but hopefully someone likes it :)

Requested by: gul2416younger

Contains: dom!maknaeline, stripper!jin, lap dances (?)


He entered the club late on a Sunday night, ripped jeans hugging his legs as he kept a tight grip on the black bag slung over his shoulder. Considering it was Sunday, there were a lot more customers sitting in the lounge in front of the stage than he had expected. There were a few men sitting separate from each other in individual chairs, but there was also a group of three sitting on one of the large sofas. All of the furniture was leather and rather expensive. It was a well known strip club, so the owner had the money to spend on more expensive decorations and such.

He made his way across the empty dance floor and across the bar to the door labeled 'Authorized Personal Only' and pushed it open. Nobody was on stage as of then and he could already tell the few customers were getting tired of waiting by the way they kept shifting and sighing. He definitely needed to hurry and get dressed for his performance.

Behind the door was a long hallway lit by purple bulbs. The walls were brick, or at least painted to look like they were. Each door had a number and a name on the front and each room was for a specific performer.

The third door on the right had the number five engraved into a gold plate that was nailed into the thick wood. His stage name was also engraved into the gold plate in all capital letters that spelt out 'Twisted Vixen'. That name had been given to him when the one of the performers had seen him when he had been applying to the club. He wasn't sure how they had come up with that name, but eventually it kinda stuck. He was the official Twisted Vixen, or just Vixen for short.

He unlocked his door with the key in the side pocket of his backpack, pushing the door open with his shoulder and kicking it shut with his foot. Being one of the main and more popular performers, his room was better than some of the other performers'.

There was a large king sized bed covered in white sheets with a red bed frame pushed up against the wall to his left, a make up station straight across from the door, and a rack for his outfits to the right. A white door was beside the bed that opened to a small, but decent bathroom. He didn't use it much aside from the shower. Performances sometimes caused him to sweat and it wasn't an enticing smell.

After setting his bag on his bed, he stripped himself of his loose red tank top and sat down at his make up station. He had an adjustable round mirror set near the edge for when he was applying make up and face paint.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his liquid primer and began applying it to his face. Once that was said and done, he grabbed is customized pallet. It was rather large, with forty different colours. He had popped out the eyeshadow from other pallets and inserted it into one he had emptied to make it easier to use, instead of having several pallets that he only used a few colours out of.

Tonight was more of a sexy but innocent routine, so he was going light with the make up. He applied silver eye liner with a sharp wing, light blues and greys for his eyeshadow, and a simple light pink gloss for his lips. He didn't use too much high lighter for his cheek bones and simply brushed some silver and gold glitter across the area. He didn't use glitter often because it made a mess a lot of the time and it was hard to get glitter out of the carpet, but there were few customers tonight and he was determined that they stayed and gave him their money.

BOTTOM JIN  |  One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora