WTF | Jin x Maknae Line

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I had most of this written already so I just had to finish the ending

It'll probably feel a bit rushed but thats because it was

But enjoy

Also question! Would any of you be interested in a Get To Know The Author book? I was thinking of making one where you could ask me any questions you have for me

Requested by: btsot07

Contains: dom!taehyung, dom!jimin, dom!jungkook, sub!jin, spanking, jealousy, punishment, edging, daddy kink, master kink, sir kink, bondage, light degradation


The MAMAs was always a good opportunity to talk to other idols in person that they couldn't with their hectic schedules. Being as popular as they were, BTS was often on tour and performing, so there was no time to simply hang out with friends outside of their group. So, when everyone was gathered on stage for the awards to be announced, Seokjin spotted a familiar face and was separating himself from the other members in exchange to talk with him. Taehyung's arm had been on his waist and he turned in confusion when Seokjin pulled out of his grip, frowning when he saw the man quickly walking away.

Taehyung nudged Jimin and Jungkook, dragging their attention away from Namjoon who had been making a short speech about not bragging too much when they inevitably won most of the awards. They followed Taehyung's pointing finger with confused eyes, only for their frowns to match Taehyung's when they saw what had grabbed his attention. Seokjin had thrown himself into the arm's of Taemin from SHINee, arms wrapped around the man's neck as the other idol kept a tight grip on his waist.

"What the hell is he doing?" Jungkook growled out, hands curling into angry fists. Their hyung really had the audacity to throw himself all over another man as if it wasn't a big deal? What was he thinking? Had he gone insane? Jungkook understood the high performing gave them, but this was a stretch. Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm, digging his nails in with his own anger, but also to hold their Maknae back if need be. Being so young, he often acted on impulse. "Does he want to die? Hyungs, we have to do something- "

"No, we can't. Now is not the time to make a scene. There's way too many cameras and people. We'll have to deal with him later," said Taehyung. His own anger was bubbling up in his chest as he watched Seokjin and Taemin embrace, smiling and laughing like it was the happiest he'd ever been. All three of the vocal line were jealous at the sight of their hyung clinging to another man.

"He's in for one hell of a night, then." Jimin hissed, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched as his eyes never left the pair across the stage. Shouldn't Seokjin be clinging to them? After all, they were his dominants.

Oblivious to the plotting trio, Seokjin was having the time of his life with Taemin. They joked around as they hung onto each other, happy to be able to meet in person after only being allowed a few phone calls and texts here and there. His mind was so filled with catching up with Taemin as much as possible, that the seething dominants didn't even cross his mind. He saw the three all day every day. Seokjin only got a chance like this not so often.

By the time Seokjin and Taemin had to part because MAMAs was over, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook were positively pissed and filled to the brim with jealousy. The trio stuck close together, arms crossed over their chests as they followed Seokjin and the rest of BTS backstage. The oldest was happily joking around with Hoseok, oblivious to the burning stares the vocal line were giving him. Even as they climbed into their van which would take them back to the hotel they were staying in for the night, Seokjin hadn't spared them a glance.

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