Bruises | NamJin

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This is incredibly fucking long but there was so much plot to develope and I may have gotten a little carried away with it, but this idea was so good and my creative juices were flowing like a tsunami :) so if you're only here for smut, skip about 13k down!

It took me awhile to finish due to school and such, but I think it turned out well, despite that and I'm super proud of this one!

[Ignore any spelling errors]

Requested by: Jeon_Taejin13

Contains: top!Namjoon, bottom!Jin, wolfshifter!au, angst, a tiny bit of violence, sweet and fluffy at the beginning, handjobs, biting/marking kink, possessive, ass eating, thigh fucking


The village was silent, per usual. It was rare for there to be much noise, or chaos, as his father put it. In a way, it made sense. Their village was decently sized and the large cavernous city they lived in beneath the surface would be deafening if there was much sound. Though it was suffocating more often than not. Seokjin had only heard music once, in accordance to the law. Everyone heard it once, to keep the knowledge of it's existence alive. He longed to hear it again, but the record player was locked in his father's office where only he could open it.

So Seokjin spent most of his time in the agricultural portion of their underground dwelling. It was a large enough area to sustain the village and it was the most eventful place. The men and women who were in charge of caring for the plants they grew were always bustling about, adding water here and planting a new seed there. Seokjin liked to help out as often as he could, but he couldn't hide from his inevitable schooling that took place every evening. He had tried to hide from the man sent to collect him every day, but it was impossible; the village was only so big, after all. There weren't enough places to hide.

Seokjin's father was the head of the village. He decided how much good was given out, who went to the surface, what the laws were, and just about everything else. As his son, Seokjin's future was already decided for him. He would take over once his father retired, or died. Until then, he had to sit through mind numbing lessons and books full of complicated words that flew right over his head.

He longed to see the surface again, the sky. He'd seen it a few times, far more than anyone else in the village aside from his father and the guards. When he was younger, Seokjin had insisted he'd train to be one of the guards that were permitted to go to the surface every couple of months for safety checks and the occasional hunting party. Meat was also a rare occurrence, due to the ugly creatures that swarmed the surface at night. It was entirely unsafe; they'd kill any human they saw, no questions asked.

There was proof, of course, otherwise nobody would believe it. There was always at least one man that got injured from the guards that were sent to the surface. At times, it would simply be a scratch or bite, but at worse times it would be missing limbs or a torn throat. Seokjin witnessed this for the first time at ten and vowed he would never be a medic.

No, he was stuck beneath the surface and condemned to a life of dusty old books and laws that were tiring to keep track of.


"Come on. It's time."

Seokjin flinched, caught off guard by the familiar voice. He looked up from where he was crouching in a row of cabbage plants, gloved hands covered in damp soil. A blond haired man stood there, brown eyes dim and no smile on his lips. He wore the proper uniform of the village guards; leather bands on his arms and legs on top of earth colored pants and a long sleeved shirt. Guns were strapped to his hips and a knife to his thigh. Seokjin wished to have weapons of his own.

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