Kiss & Make Up | JinKook

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So I've given up on trying to "censor" the naughty words because it's a hassle and I'm lazy so yeah

Y'all this one is a bit sappy so if you don't like that, skip this one shot

Requested by: gul2416younger

I'm a huge sap for angsty JinKook and I almost cried at the end of this, oof-

Enjoy :)

Contains: mentions of abuse, dom!jungkook, praise kink


Seokjin had never had a high pain tolerance. Even in high school, scraping his knee felt like a stab wound. There had only ever been one person who didn't make fun of him for it; his best friend, Jungkook. Jungkook was a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt a fly; that was one of the many reasons Seokjin had fallen in love with him. He was kind, gentle, forgiving, selfless, handsome. What more could he ask for? They dated throughout high school, despite so many people telling them their relationship wouldn't last. They both refused to believe those words and held hands proudly as they walked down the school hallways.

They graduated together and even went to the same college, so desperate to be near each other as much as possible that they had paid extra to be roomed together. The college hadn't been too happy about that, seeing as Jungkook was taking business classes and Seokjin was taking environmental engineering. Of course, the college couldn't say no to money. So Seokjin and Jungkook had spent their college years together. It was the high of their relationship and Seokjin knew that there were great things to come. And he hadn't been wrong. On the day he had gotten his degree, Jungkook had proposed. Seokjin had said yes, obviously, and they celebrated that night with a romantic dinner.

Both Seokjin's and Jungkook's parents had been ecstatic for them, even to the point they threw a party to honor their engagement. They had never been happier. Jungkook eventually started up his own company; his dream had always been to work in business and it was finally coming true after years of studying and hard work. His company grew fast and it didn't take long for the money to start flowing in. Seokjin and Jungkook moved into a large house that was in the borderline of a mansion, even though it was just the two of them. Seokjin was working for a company and was discovering ways to help the environment and make gasoline less toxic.

Seokjin worked at home while Jungkook worked at his office all day, dealing with his usual business stuff that Seokjin didn't understand too well. They had been engaged for about a year then when it had started. The first Jungkook had hit Seokjin, the elder had played it off as a one time thing and had accepted Jungkook's apology in the morning for the bruise on his cheek. But then it happened the next night, and the next, and the next after that. Pretty soon, it had become a routine. Jungkook would come home from work, yell and smack Seokjin around, go to bed angry, and then wake up in the morning and apologize. He always accepted his apology.

Until one specific Tuesday night that Seokjin just couldn't take it anymore. Jungkook came home angry as usual, shouting about this and that. He walked up to Seokjin, hand raised, but Seokjin didn't cower. He stood his ground and stared at Jungkook with a set jaw. His fiancé paused in confusion, clearly not understanding what had changed all of a sudden. When Jungkook made no move to speak, Seokjin brought it upon himself to fill him in on his decision.

"I'm moving out, Jungkook." He stated, voice not wavering in the slightest. He was determined and wasn't going to let Jungkook stop him; he even had a can of pepper spray behind his back in case he had to use it. Seokjin didn't want to because he loved Jungkook with all of his heart, but some things just couldn't be avoided.

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