Lilith | TaeJin

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It took me over four months to finish this one shot, so I apologize for the wait but I've been going through a lot with Covid and daily struggles so I hope it's still good :)

Requested by: Jeon_Taejin13

Contains: prince!Taehyung, commonfolk!Jin, vampire!au, royal escort, rough, blood and biting, angst, slight violence


Seokjin swung his legs over the side of the large bed, the silk sheets twisting beneath him as his feet rested on the cool floor. It sent a shiver up his legs and to his spine, though it felt good to his sweaty body. He slipped into the robe hanging on the bed post, the light fabric hanging open over his naked body. His chest was rising and falling faster than normal, but it was slowing more as the minutes passed. His lower half ached and his neck and chest stung from the abundance of hickies that had been sucked and nibbled into his pale skin. He didn't go outside much at all and the most sun he got was from the balcony, but the doors were usually locked to him.

Across the room, a blond man was pouring a glass of deep crimson wine, the kind that Seokjin didn't enjoy but choked down for appearance's sake. The blond wore a robe of his own, tied around his waist and covered most of his body, though it hung open at the top to expose his toned chest. Seokjin licked his lips as he watched him drink, eyes constantly tracing over and over his handsome features, unable to find a flaw; he already knew that he didn't have any.

Taehyung turned to face him, his lips pulled up into a sly smile, eyelids lowered and shading his intense blue eyes. The glass of wine, hung loosely between his index and middle finger by the stem. "Your food will arrive shortly. Be cleaned and dressed by six. Your outfit for the night is in the closet there," a ringed finger pointed to said closet. It was a lazy gesture, however composed. "It's black, to match your hair. You'll be the night to my sun."

"Yes, your highness," obediently Seokjin replied. The compliance was instinctive, something he had developed over the years he had served the prince with his body.

The prince nodded in acknowledgement before he set the glass down and crossed over to the large double doors belonged to his quarters. He pulled them open with his free hand, the wine glass half full of the red wine. His lips were stained with it. The doors opened to reveal a tall man, dressed in servants wear with a push cart topped with a plate of fruit and a pitcher of water. The servant looked surpised, hand still raised to knock.

Taehyung barely gave him a glance before he walked past him, walking down the hallway with elegance of sharpened sword. His status was as clear as his eyes. The servant entered the room after bowing to the prince's back, pushing the cart into the bedroom and closing the doors behind himself. Seokjin ran a hand through his messy hair and pulled his robe closed, covering himself. The servants were well aware of his relationship with the prince and a handful had already seen him unclothed, so Seokjin covered himself more for their comfort than his own. He was confident in his body.

The servant stopped the cart beside the bed, a foot away from where Seokjin was sitting. He kept his head bowed and eyes on the tray as he poured the water into a glass. His body was stiff and movements careful. Any error would be reported to Taehyung, the prince who had the power to ruin a person's life with a snap of his ring adorned fingers. Seokjin watched silently and reached for a slice of apple from the plate, the servant's hand accidentally brushing his.

The man gasped and snatched his hand back as if he had beemn urned, horror in his eyes as he averted his gaze and stepped away. Seokjin, confused and a little concerned, frowned and asked, "are you okay?"

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