A Million Years | 2SeokMin

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Requested by: PremAce

I meant to post this sooner, but here we are

This one shot is kind of crappy, but there was an attempt :)

Contains: vampire!jimin, vampire!hoseok, mild violence, blood sucking, bottom&human!seokjin,


He held tight onto the straps of his backpack that hooked over his shoulders, shivering despite his warm jacket that fell to his knees and was buttoned accordingly. It was in the middle of autumn and already the temperatures outside were dropping significantly into the colder range. Don't get him wrong, he loved how beautiful the change of colour in the trees looked and the incredible sunsets, but he despised the chilly weather.

And so, Seokjin had resigned to walking. The exercise was good, of course it was, but the cold bit at his ears and fingers tips the whole way, turning his skin pink and then red. He kept a tight grip on his bag, in case somebody tried to rob him of it. He was smart and kept his money in the bottom of his bag underneath all of his college books, papers, and his laptop to prevent it being dug through when he wasn't looking. His money would be less likely to be found that way.

It wasn't that he lived in a sketchy neighborhood, but that he had to walk through one. All of the houses were rundown with chipping paint, broken screen doors, and cracking sidewalks. Seokjin surveyed his surroundings constantly, making sure nobody was creeping out from any direction. He made sure to check behind him every fifteen steps. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Suddenly, he was falling. He knew the moment he landed on his hands and knees that it had been his shoelace. They had begun to wear out and every now and then they would slip out of the knot he tied them in, resulting in him tripping. Seokjin winced and sat back on his heels, inspecting his raw palms. The skin had peeled back a bit on the heels of his hands, causing the skin to be sore and red beneath. Shaking his head in annoyance before beginning to tie his shoe once again.

Seokjin yelped as he was yanked backward by his backpack and his heart immediately dropped into his stomach in cold fear. He was being attacked. He lurched forward in the opposite direction that he was being pulled, searching for purchase on the cracked sidewalk. The hands briefly slipped off of his backpack and he took this opening to push himself up into a sprint, hoping that whoever it was couldn't run very fast. Unfortunately, his legs were stiff from the cold and refused to go as fast he needed them to.

He was yanked back again by backpack, but he refused to go down without a fight. He needed the things in his backpack and didn't have the money for lunch tomorrow, let alone replacing the books and his laptop in his bag. Seokjin twisted around and attempted to shove the hand off, only for his neck to be grabbed. His hands automatically reached up to remove the tight choking grip the man who he could now see had on him, but he was ten times stronger than Seokjin.

"Give me your bag, or else," the man said in the deepest, most bone chilling voice he'd ever heard. What kind of neighborhood was he in that had people like this? The man raised his hand that wasn't choking Seokjin and revealed a knife about six inches long. He held it level with Seokjin's stomach and Seokjin, despite already being choked by this man, was finding it hard to breathe.

"I-I can't! I need it- "

Seokjin was cut off as all air to his lungs was prevented and his nails dug into the back of the man's hand and his wrist, but he didn't even flinch. "Then I'll just have to take it from you," he sneered, lips pulling up into an ugly grin that looked cut into his flesh.

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