Call Me Master | JinMin

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This one is v naughty and smexy, so y'all better prepare lmao
This also took way too long to write but I've been working on some other books too, so expect more updatessss

Make sure to comment or dm me if you have an one shot request!

Requested by: gul2416younger

Contains: top!jimin, master kink, punishment, bondage, vibrator, gag


They were watching a movie, all seven of them. Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook . . . and Seokjin. Several pairs of warning eyes flickered over to the oldest of the group, trying to transfer their silent messages through their gazes but the older male didn't even glance in the direction of his boy band members, eyes locked in the flat screen tv playing 'The Hunger Games'. Seokjin had requested to watch that specific movie, even though the ending scene with the mutant animals scared him half to death.

That scene was playing right now and Seokjin had moved himself onto Jungkook's lap, the nervous maknae's eyes wide in panic. It was no secret that Seokjin belonged to Jimin, the man was far from anything but possessive when it came to Seokjin. All of the members could feel his radiating anger as he glared bullet holes into Seokjin's skin, but the oldest male didn't seem to notice.

Seokjin had always went to Jimin when he was scared during the Friday night movies, always jumping into his lap and clinging to his shirt. Jimin always smiled in satisfaction at being the one to have Seokjin all to himself, in any way he wanted. Jimin was Seokjin's first choice for everything. Seokjin needed help cooking? Jimin was chosen. Seokjin needed help cleaning? Jimin was chosen. Seokjin needed an opinion on the outfit he had chosen for the day? Jimin was chosen. It was always Jimin.

But this one specific Friday night, Seokjin had chosen Jungkook. The young maknae was fearing for his life as he felt Jimin's harsh glare, but he still did his best to comfort the trembling Seokjin on his lap. It was unknown to him why Seokjin had chosen the movie that he could barely watch all the way through. It made no sense and the over five were just as confused. Taehyung had scooted away from Jimin, now squished up against Yoongi who's shoulders were encircled by Hoseok's arm. Nobody wanted to be near Jimin when he was angry; it was terrifying.

Seokjin let out a whine when the mutants appeared on the screen, chasing Katniss and Peeta through the dense woods. The growling and slashing of claws were loud coming out from the tv speakers. Seokjin grabbed Jungkook's arms and forced them around his waist, intertwining their fingers as he stared wide eyes at the screen. Jungkook was sure he was more terrified than Seokjin was.

It wouldn't be long until Jimin snapped and nobody wanted to be in the same room as him. Jungkook was in the most danger, but it hadn't been his fault that the oldest of the group had chosen to sit on his lap instead of Jimin's! Jungkook's eyes flickered over to Namjoon, seeking his boy crush's comfort but the man simply shook his head.

All of a sudden, Taehyung jumped out of his seat and pulled Yoongi up with him glancing over at Jimin with a panicked expression. "Hyung, come with me and make some popcorn. I'm hungry!"

Yoongi nodded, the aspect of helping his dongsaeng obviously appealing and Hoseok was hard on their heels as they exited the living room and made their way to the kitchen. "Oh no, you fucking don't, Taehyung!"

Namjoon chuckled at how ridiculous Taehyung's and Hoseok's rivalry was; they were always fighting over Yoongi. It has become common for the three to be near each other twenty four seven, even sleeping in the same bed at times. He wondered who would pop the question first. Love triangles were always complicated.

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