Not Amused | TaeJin

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Nickleback's song "Next Contestant". Y'all should definitely check it out, I recommend

This took forever to write so I made it extra long since I haven't updated for awhile. Also, WANT and WORSHIP will be updated soon too

Requested by: gul2416younger

DISCLAIMER: This is entirely consensual; there was an established safeword that was not chosen to be used in this one shot

Contains: top!taehyung, spanking, c.ock ring, over stimulation, degradation, sir kink, very verbal!taehyung


Taehyung had never liked his boyfriend's job and he had made sure everyone he knew was aware of that. For hours he would drone on about how much he despised it and would even bring up the subject in the middle of conversations when it had nothing to do with the topic at hand. It was understandable, but sometimes Seokjin really wished he wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. Sure, it wasn't the easiest or safest job, but it was a job nonetheless. One that Seokjin happened to enjoy, whether Taehyung wanted to believe that or not.

Luckily, negotiating was a possibility. In order to get Taehyung to shut up - albeit only sometimes - Seokjin agreed to let Taehyung watch over him while he worked. He served as a sort of body guard, he supposed, but it could be a bit unnerving having Taehyung staring at him while he was trying to do his job and deal with clients. Their five friends all sided with Taehyung, much to Seokjin's annoyance. In his head, he didn't need protecting. He didn't need eyes glued to his back whenever he tried to do literally anything at his job and he definitely didn't need Taehyung's incessant blabbering afterwards about everything he had seen and what he wanted Seokjin to do.

This particular night, however, was no different from the last. Seokjin was dressed in his usual get up - skin tight leggings hugged his legs and curves, a sparkly blue satin belt wrapped around his hips, the excess fabric banging against his leg as he walked. He was bare from the waist up, aside from red band wrapped around his right arm that marked him as one of the employees and not a customer. Seokjin wore a few accessories that weren't required - a leather choker with a heart shaped ring on the front, two earrings that brushed his shoulders occasionally and, though they weren't considered an accessory, he wore four inch heels the colour of blood.

What could he say? He liked to stand out. Taehyung didn't like that, but oh well.

He swung his hips as he walked, a smirk pulling at his lips as he watched the men that occupied the club state as he passed their seats. Being a waiter was an easy job and he enjoyed quite a lot; the attention was just a bonus that rocketed his confidence. He liked that men chased after him. Not to mention, who would turn down free drinks?

As he walked by a particular man with a black quiff with blue highlights (the man was a regular), he slipped his arm around Seokjin's bare stomach and pulled him down onto his lap, a playful smirk playing at his lips. Seokjin's lips parted in surprise, but he smiled. The black tray he balanced on his palm wobbled slightly, though Seokjin wasn't worried if it fell; there were no drinks on it.

Seokjin placed his free hand on the man's knee, settling himself side ways on his legs so he could face him better. "Come on, Phil, I have to work. I can't chat right now."

"What about when your shift ends? I'll buy you a drink and we can talk then. I promise I won't bite, Jin." Phil had shortened his name the moment Seokjin had introduced himself, but he liked the nickname. It was endearing in a way.

He glanced over to his boyfriend who sat on a sofa in the back of the club, looking tense with his arms and legs crossed. Looking back to Phil, he shrugged with a smile. "Oh, I'm not worried about you biting. I know you like to nibble, Phil. I'll see you later, hot stuff."

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