Accidental Disturbance | VMinJin

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This has been in my drafts forever and I'm actually really proud of this one; I hope y'all like it too!

Contains: top!taehyung, top!jimin, baby boy kink, man handling


BTS was on tour in America, staying at a five star hotel none of them except Namjoon bothered to remember the name of. It was gold themed; the couch was a shiny yellow, the table and walls had gold accents and the silverware was gold. Whether it was real or fake, no one knew. Seokjin was exceptionally curious about all of the silverware and dishes, deciding he wanted a set of his own. Maybe he'd buy his family some, too, as a gift in apology for being away so often and busy. It was hard to make time to talk to family with their concerts, plane rides, and practicing choreography.

Yoongi often had random outbursts of anger and would shout about how much he hated their schedules, how he just wanted to sleep in for once in an actual bed that belonged to him. Of course, he never complained about sleeping in the same bed with Jungkook, but everybody was pretty sure he was including Jungkook when he talked about sleeping in. The whole group was stressed, though Namjoon was the best at hiding it. Seokjin worried constantly about their leader. Being the most fluent in English, he often had to take over in interviews and talk much more then the others, straining his vocal chords. Namjoon always made sure every thing was in order and often didn't do much sleeping.

Taehyung and Jimin always seemed like they had no end to their amount of energy and were always giddy and wide awake. Sometimes, Seokjin questioned whether they were taking something to make them so energized all the time. Jungkook was always tired and Seokjin's heart melted in despair whenever he looked at their maknae. He made a big show of being happy and in good health when we there were cameras, but he was exhausted and gloomy when they were alone. Jungkook overworked himself and nobody really knew how to help.

Hoseok was a constant ray of sunshine and did his best to keep the members in a good mood, but even the literal embodiment of the sun could only do so much. Hoseok never seemed tired, but maybe it was all of the energy drinks he had during the day. They must be doing him some good, but Seokjin knew they weren't very healthy for him to consume so often.

Though Seokjin, being the eldest, took it upon himself to care for every single one of his band members. He urged them into bed after they ate at least a decent serving of food and had a glass of water, refused to let them stay up to work on songs or anything else, and did his best to comfort them when they were down. His main focus was on Jungkook, seeing as the maknae seemed to feel he needed to be perfect at everything. Seokjin told him several times a day that simply doing his best was enough and hoped it stuck with Jungkook.

That was how he found himself standing at the sink in the kitchen of their hotel at a quarter past midnight, washing the dishes they had used for supper while the other six members slipped into bed upon his instructions. Seokjin felt good as he scrubbed a plate clean. All of the boys had ate and showered, and now they were sleeping. He smiled to himself as he set the clean dishes in the rack to dry, pulling the plug out of the sink to drain all of the dirty dish water.

As he dried his hands with a towel, he picked up on a groan. Instantly alert that someone was either injured or frustrated, he sat the towel down on the counter and made his way down the hallway of their hotel room. There were four rooms in all, two on either side of the hall. The two on the left belonged to Jungkook and Yoongi, and Hoseok and Namjoon. The two on the right belonged to Jimin and Taehyung, and Seokjin. Stopping at the first door on the right, he stood still for a moment and listened.

There was the muffled rustle of fabric and a few groans and giggles. Seokjin rolled his eyes. He wasn't surprised that Jimin and Taehyung were playing around instead of sleeping. They always seemed to have constant energy, like a bunch of children. With a shake of his head and a fond smile on his lips, he opened their bedroom door to chide them for not going to bed. Seokjin gasped when he realized that the two younger men were not playing around.

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