No Friends | TaeJin

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Requested by: p_jiyoo

This isnt exactly what you asked for, but I didnt realize until I was already like 11k in so Im too lazy to fix it

Edit: this took me forever to finish and the ending is a little rushed, but I wanted to get this posted soon because you all deserve an update. More should be on the way soon

If you see any mistakes no you didn't

Contains: alpha!taehyung, omega!seokjin, bullying, dorm!au, possessive, rough, cute ending, sweet, a little gentle, romantic


"Alright, I'm ready to go," said Seokjin, backpack over his shoulder and keys in his hand. He twisted the doorknob and pulled open the door to his dorm room, stepping out into the brightly light hallway. After pulling the door shut behind himself, he locked it with the keys in his hand and then headed down the hallway on quick feet. Time was ticking and he had a class to get to.

However, the world had other plans for him. As he rounded the corner, his RA stepped out of the elevator and called out his name. Seokjin stopped in his tracks and turned, one hand holding onto the strap of his backpack to keep it from slipping off his shoulder. They met eyes and the other man smiled, raising a hand in greeting and to solidify his intention to speak with Seokjin.

"I'm glad I caught you! I have some news."

Seokjin stomach twisted with anxiety. His life was mostly fine as it was; he didn't need nor want any news. The world was against him in more ways than one. "What news, Namjoon?"

Namjoon grinned at him and said, "you're getting a roommate."

The entire world seemed to stop turning in that moment. Seokjin stared at Namjoon, face blank as he attempted to process this horrible news. A roommate? He didn't want a roommate. He had been content for the past six months without one. Another person he needed to coexist with, in a personal setting? He felt nauseous simply thinking about it.

"A rommmate," echoed Seokjin. Namjoon nodded, confirming. "Who?"

"Don't look so down, Jin!" Namjoon clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a firm shake, which sent Seokjin wobbling back and forth on his feet. Namjoon was an alpha and had double the muscle Seokjin did. "A roommate will be fun. You need to socialize more. You don't have any friends and you only talk to me when you need to. Just be yourself and everything will be great!"

Seokjin opened his mouth to object. "But- "

"Anyway, I have to go. You know me, always busy. Have a good day, Jin! Your roommate will be moving in at eight!"

And with that, Namjoon was off, speeding down the hallway away from Seokjin with his incredibly long legs. Seokjin was only a few inches shorter, but he couldn't walk as fast as Namjoon managed to. With a sigh, Seokjin turned around and headed for the stairwell.

He never took the elevator. He had a fear of them, if he was honest. Perhaps he had heard of too many horror stories where people got trapped and starved to death, or the elevator dropped and killed them on impact. Seokjin was not taking that risk, ever. So he took the stairs instead, two at a time with a hand hovering over the railing in case he lost balance. With the countless times he had done this, he was on the ground floor in a few minutes. Five flights of stairs were nothing for his agility.

Seokjin made it to his five o'clock class with a few minutes to spare and instantly regretted it. The professor hadn't arrived yet, but another student had. Seokjin briefly considered leaving and waiting until somebody else arrived (preferably the professor), but the heavy wood door slammed shut behind him. It echoed through the room, bouncing off the white tiles that covered the walls, ceiling, and floor. There was no hiding his arrival after that.

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