"Hi, I'm Angelina." I introduce myself.

"I'm Elizabeth, I'm such a big fan of yours." She smiles wide and shakes my hand making me laugh.

"Well I heard about our sucess over here and I can't even image how it feels to have most of the country watch and love your show because of how true it is." She blushes and I smile at her.

I go over my lines one last time before we start to film. Ethan isn't in this scene but I know him from a few shoots before and Elizabeth keeps going on about how excited she is to meet him. 

I can picture them as a very cute couple. 

We have to shoot the scene a few more times until we move onto a scene with Ethan.

I give him a big hug the moment we meet again and I introduce him to Elizabeth and they get on well quickly making my matchmaking senses tingle.

They've only met but I can already see them on red carpets together.

"So how are you and Neymar?" Ethan asks me.

"We're doing great, we've just moved in together and I barely got eveything in okay, but now I've left him to try to sort out all of my stuff into his house."

"Oh my gosh, ou two are so cute together. I was on twitter and I seen ou two at your other movie premiere and one of you at the games and how do you look so effortlessly beautiful?" Elizabeth asks and I laugh loudly.

"Trust me, it takes a lot of effort."

"I seen pictures of you and his son as well and you look amazing, you'll be a gret mother." Ethan smiles at me and I blush.

"Oh my gosh you and Neymar would have such cute babies together. Please have babies together." Elizabeth smiles at me and I blush and chuckle.

"I don't know if I'm ready to have kids. I'm only turning twenty in about two weeks so..."

"Wait, you're going to be away from Neymar on your birthday?" Elizabeth asks gasping and I nod in an answer. 

"Yeah, we were talking about it at the beach a few days ago, but he said he'd try to get over, but if he can't come over then we'll probably just skype." I scrath at my palms because I feel sad that on my birthday I might not even get it with the guy I love. "But Kaya is coming over so then I'll get to see her." I say and start to think about seeing Kaya because by then her baby might be here because she's at the end of her eight months and she's huge.

"Well we'll have to organise party for you we could go out into London to a resturant and then go to a club or something."

"That's sounds nice." I say and she smiles.

"We're going to have so much fun." She shouts throwing her hands up into the air making me laugh loudly.


It's been two weeks over here in London. I've skyped so many times with Kaya, Will and Neymar.

 Kaya has had her baby.

She had a baby boy so I owe Neymar twenty euros.

She named him Mateo Juan Bartra.

And he is the cutest thing ever. He's got the cutest little chubby face and has an amazing little smile.

My birthday is today and Elizabeth has organised a dinner tonight for all of the cast and some of the crew members. Kaya is coming over right now. It's four oclock in the morning right now and Kaya's flight is to be here by six o'clock in the morning.

The Footballer's Girlfriend (Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now