Oneshot Songfic | Emily X Reader - Without Me

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(In an AU where the Glitter Force doesn't exist, but the five girls are best friends)

Without Me - Halsey


Found you when your heart was broke.
I filled your cup until it overflowed.

"I'll catch up with you guys later, I have to go bathroom quickly!" I call after my friends before entering the restroom. Immediately, a sound of a female sobbing entered my ears, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Hello?" I call out, bending down to look under the numerous stall doors.

Down the way, I see a pair of shoes quickly lift themselves up in the last stall as the girl silenced herself upon hearing my voice. I could hear her quietly sniffling, seeming as she's trying hard to keep herself silent. I gently set my book bag on the ground and begin walking towards the occupied stall.

"Hello?" I call out again, except this time was more softer, trying not to startle her. I gently knock on the stall door, and a quiet gasp was what I heard from inside. "Hey, what's wrong?" I inquire with curiosity. "Why- why are you crying?"

"I-I'm not crying." Croaks a raspy and hoarse voice that sounds like she's just got done crying. Her voice sounded familiar, though. "Please, go-.. go away."

I frown, and knock once again. "I promise, I just want to know what's going on. I want to help you." I say. Though I may have come off very creepy, what I said is true; I hate seeing people like this.

With a heavy sigh, the saddened girl unlocks the stall for and slowly opens it, revealing the familiar girl. She had (hair length), (hair color) hair. Her (eye color) eyes were rimmed red, her skin surrounding being puffy as her cheeks were decorated with tear stains that once streamed down. I recognize her, but I don't recall her name, which irks me so terribly.

"Hi." I smile. "I'm Emily."

The female forces a small smile as she diverts her gaze away from me and down towards her feet, her hair falling in her face as she does so. "(Name)."

There it is! The name I've been racking my brain to remember, it was on the tip of my tongue. "What's the matter, come sit!" I gesture for her to follow me as I speedily walk towards the sink counter and sit down on top of it. She slowly followed me, and I patted the spot next to me.

(Name) sat down next to me, sighing and looking down at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands. "I'm not rushing you, nor am I forcing you to tell me.. I'm just here if you need to vent. If you're uncomfortable, just tell me." I explain to her soothingly.

"Um.." (Name) hums. "Well, do you know (Boy/Girl's Name)?" She questions, not even sparing a glance in my direction.

I nod, that name ringing a bell in my mind. "Oh! You two have been dating for a while, haven't you?"

"Two years." She answers shakily as she sniffles. "But.. (he/she) cheated on me." A tear runs down her cheek. "I just found out today."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry." I rub her back gently. "How dare (he/she) cheat on someone as beautiful as you? Obviously (he/she) obviously doesn't deserve you." I reply, causing a smile to play on her lips as she brushes her hair behind her ear.

She lightly giggles at the compliment. "Thank you, Emily." (Name) says, and the bell rings, signaling that we're late to class. She stands up, dusting herself off and wiping her eyes. "Once again, thank you. I hope we see each other around." She walks out of the bathroom, leaving me to my own thoughts.

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