Preference 22 | When They're Jealous

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Usually, she gets very talkative to distract you from the person she's jealous of. If that doesn't work, she usually shouts something ridiculous before grabbing your arm and sprinting away, dragging you like a rag doll.


She doesn't like to show she's jealous, so instead she just does anything to show the person you're hers. Wrapping an arm around you, kissing your cheek, holding your hand, all that P.D.A. stuff she claims she 'doesn't like doing.'


The female would get very shy and timid. She would go into her own little world, thinking negative thoughts while you happily talk to the person. But once you're home, she gets very concerned and ask if you still love you and all of that kind of stuff. Of course, you have to comfort her, but it's worth it to see her smile in relief.


This girl starts whining like a child. Tugging at your arm with the usual child whines. 'I'm hungry!', 'I'm tired!', I'm thirsty!'. She does it until you finally give up on the conversation and you two walk away from the person she's jealous of.


She's upfront and doesn't hold back, so it's very rarely when she gets jealous. But when she does, she tells the person straight up that you're taken by her and that they should move along.


He would grumble inaudible stuff. If that doesn't get your attention, much like Emily, he would grab your hand and drag you away.


He would just start making jokes about the other person until they walk away. You'd glare at him and he'd defend himself by saying 'It was a joke!'

Welp, there ya go!

See you in the next one, Glitter Babies!

*3/25/18 - Unedited*

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