Valentine's Special! | Emily

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This is after you two start dating. Don't fret, preferences about who asked who and other things are coming up, Glitter Baby!


"Honey, a young lady with pink hair is at the door for you." (Y/N)'s mom pokes her head into her room. "Oh! I'm coming!" (Y/N) jumps out of bed, puts on her shoes and sprints out of her bedroom and down the stairs. Her mom chuckles as she watched her daughter zoom by.

"Hey, Em!" (Y/N) greets her girlfriend with a peck on the cheek, causing Emily to giggle and hug her. "Hey, (Y/N), I missed youuu~" She sang as she broke the hug apart.

"So," Emily began, "Since it's Valentine's day.. You know, the most romantic day of the year, I was thinking of doing a little fancy dinner." She finishes as the two begin walking down the sidewalk. "Ooh, I like it." (Y/N) glances towards the pink haired girl with a smile.

"I knew you would. So follow me!" Emily starts running off, (Y/N) sighing before sprinting after her.

Once (Y/N) finally caught up to her pink haired girlfriend, she realised they were in front of The Golden Restaurant, the most expensive restaurant in town.

"Woah, Emily.. Are you sure? This is quite expensive.." (Y/N) asks as she nervously glances between Emily and th restaurant.

"Mhm." Emily hums happily as she grabs (Y/N)'s hand and walks inside.

"Reservation for Hoshizora." Emily states to the person who hums and flips through his book. "Hoshizora.. Hoshizora.. Oh! Here, right this way, Madam." The male gestures the two females to follow him and they do just that towards a Valentine decorated two-person table with a bouquet of roses in the middle.

"This is so gorgeous, Emily! I didn't know we were going all out or I would've got you something else instead of a life sized teddy bear!" (Y/N) gulitly sits down in the chair as Emily sits across.

"That's okay, (Y/N)!" Emily waves it off with a giggle, "I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me!" She finishes, causing (Y/N) to blush a light pink.

"So, what would you like to order?" Emily asks as a waiter comes to hand then their menus.

"Umm.." (Y/N) quickly scans the menu before finally deciding on (Food Of Choice). The waiter writes down the order on a little notebook and looks at Emily.

"I think I'll go with the pasta." She states and the waiter nods and writes it down. "Beverages?" He asks.

"(Favorite Beverage) and a strawberry lemonade, please and thank you." Emily answers and the waiter nods and writes it down. "The drinks should be right out." He says and walks to the kitchen.

"Thanks for doing this, Emily. It means a lot." (Y/N) says as she looks i to the magenta colored eyes of her girlfriend.

"Don't mention it, (Y/N/N). I'm doing this because I love you!" Emily giggles and so does (Y/N).

"I love you, too, Em." She says and interlocks her fingers with her pink haired girlfriend.

After about twenty minutes of chatting and laughing like the normally do, the food finally arrives and they begin eating.

"This is sooo good!" (Y/N) moans as she takes another bite of (F/F), Emily giggling. "They have the best (F/F) here, so I knew you'd like it." Emily says as she takes a bite of her pasta.

"But this is so delicious!" (Y/N) gestures towards the food and takes a sip of (F/B).

The two end up learning that it was past seven o'clock when they finish and hurry to get back to their homes before their parents worry.

"Thanks for paying tonight. I promise I'll pay you back." (Y/N) says as the two stand in front of Emily's house.

"You don't need to, (Y/N), it was my treat!" Emily shrugs it off and gives her girlfriend a peck on the cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)." Emily says as she hugs her, the girl immediately hugging back.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Emily!"


*2/14/18 - Unedited*

glitter force one shots & preferences. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ