Valentine's Special! | Kelsey

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This is after you two start dating. Don't fret, preferences about who asked who and other things are coming up, Glitter Baby!

"Kelseyyy~" (Y/N) sang as she jumped on her girlfriend's back, so the red head was giving her a piggy back ride. "Guess what day it is!" She squealed as Kelsey put her hands under (Y/N)'s thighs to securely hold her.

"I don't know. Valentine's Day?" Kelsey  replied with a fake yawn, causing (Y/N) to 'hmph'. "I'm kidding! Happy Valentine's, (Y/N)! What do you wanna do?" The red head asks.

"Should we go to the laser tag place?" (Y/N) suggest and Kelsey nods vigorously. "That's why I love you, let's goo!" Kelsey begins running and (Y/N) grips her girlfriend in shock and begins to laugh and scream.

"Kelseyyyy! Slow downn! I'm going to falll!" (Y/N) laughs at the surprising strength as Kelsey runs down the street, earning curious stares from strangers.

After about five minutes of that, the two arrive at the laser tag place and Kelsey doesn't look like she's tired.

(Y/N) gets off of Kelsey's back and sprints inside, followed by the red head. (Y/N) pays for it and the two decide to be on separate teams.

"I'm taking you down, girly." Kelsey playfully threatens and (Y/N) smirks with an eyebrow raise. "You're on, ginger." (Y/N) giggles.

The countdown begins and the two sprint off into separate directions. The chime dings and the game begins. People begin getting taken out and (Y/N) ends up taking out three while Kelsey had taken out four.

It ended up being (Y/N) and Kelsey were the final two and they searched the arena for each other.

"Where are you, (Y/N/N)" Kelsey whispers as she looks around in the dim blue lighting.

"Come on out, Kelsey.." (Y/N) calls as she point her laser in front of her just in case Kelsey pops out of no where.

"AHA!" Kelsey shouts as she sees a figure moving in the corner, running over to it, the figure squeals and runs in the opposite direction.

"Dangit." (Y/N) pants as she runs to find somewhere to hide, "She found me.. How am I going to shoot her?" She keeps running and turning corners, but Kelsey was on her tail.

"You can't run forever, (Y/N)!" Kelsey shouts and (Y/N) yelps.

"I can't run forever, you're right. But I could just shoot you!" (Y/N) yells over her shoulder, making Kelsey laugh.

"Like you would!" She shouts back and points her laser towards the (H/C)ette.

"I'm done with this nonsense!" (Y/N) yells and unexpectedly turns a corner, making Kelsey try to stop, but stumble and almost fall. (Y/N) then used this chance to use her laser and tag Kelsey, winning the game.

"You won." Kelsey smirks and the two begin walking to the start, "Good game." She compliments and (Y/N) nods her head.

"Thanks. You did good, too." (Y/N) said and the two walked up to the scoreboard. Kelsey and (Y/N) were tied as each had five people they taken out.

The couple gave their lasers and bests back and walked out, seeing that the sun was setting.

"I had fun, thanks Kelsey." (Y/N) thanks and Kelsey waves it off. "You put up quite the challenge. I would've got it done in ten minutes flat." Kelsey smirks and the two end up bickering the whole way back.

Kelsey decided to walk (Y/N) to her house and once they were there, she gave the (H/C)ette a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy Valentine's Day, I'm so happy I have you." Kelsey confessed and (Y/N) gasps playfully.

"Does Kelsey Hino actually have a soft spot?" She asks jokingly and earns a playful shove from her girlfriend. "I'm kidding, but Happy Valentine's Day. I'm so lucky to have you as well."


*2/14/18 - Unedited*

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