Preference 1 | How You Meet

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"Shoot!" (Y/N) shouted as she hurriedly stuffs her book bag with all her essentials she needs for school. Seeing as this is her first day, she'd make a terrible first impression being late. After she got done, she swung open her bedroom door and raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where her mom was holding toast for her to grab.

(Y/N) grabbed the toast and called out a "Thanks, mom!" Before waving bye to her dad who was sitting at the breakfast table reading a newspaper. "Bye mom, bye dad!" She shouted from the doorway before running out and towards her new school.

"I'm not gonna be late. I'm not gonna be late. I'm not gonna be la- GAHH!" (Y/N) painfully knocked heads with someone. They both fell to the ground clutching their foreheads. "That didn't hurt." The other person mumbles. (Y/N) widens her eyes as she stands up and reaches her hand out to help the fallen female. "Sorry about that, I should totally look where I'm going." (Y/N) smiles sincerely as the girl looks up to her and sends a smile back as she took her hand. "Thanks." The girl mumbles once she was standing on her feet.

"I'm (Y/N), I'm sort of new." (Y/N) shyly says as she looks at her feet. The pink haired girl gasps as a thought comes to her head. "I'm Emily and I've got friends I bet you'd love! Wanna meet them?" Emily asks and (Y/N) nods and giggled at her enthusiasm. "I'd love that." Then the pinkette grabbed (Y/N) by the wrist and started running towards the school.


Volleyball games weren't (Y/N)'s thing that much, but when her sister was playing, she couldn't very much just abandon her sister who needs support. So, begrudgingly, (Y/N) sat down on the benches. Her sister played awesome, but a red haired female caught her eye. She was amazing.

Once the game was over, (Y/N) decided to go see her sister. Walking over to her sister, (Y/N) seen that she was talking to that red haired girl who helped win the game. Slowing her pace, she slowly trudged towards them until her sister saw her and called her over there. "Oh, Kelsey, this is my sister, (Y/N)." (S/N) introduced and (Y/N) smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Hiya. I'm Kelsey. Are you new here?" Kelsey asked and (Y/N) shook her head. "Actually, I don't go here. Yet. I'm going to be starting here next month." She stated and Kelsey nodded her head. "Well, when you do come here, be on the lookout for me. I have some friends who'll love you." Kelsey explained and (Y/N) smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate it."


"And done!" Lily exclaimed as she proudly held her drawing of her friends. Emily, Kelsey, April and Chloe all looked amazed. "Lily, it's beautiful." Chloe said as she admired the portrait. "Thanks, Chloe, but do you think it's beautiful enough to win first place? I mean, (Y/N) is one of the best artists here. I don't think I could ever beat her." Lily moped. "And so are you, Lils!" Kelsey encouraged. "Yeah!" Emily agreed. "I bet you'll win first place and knock all of those other artists out of the park!" Emily shouted. "Yeah, just have a little hope, Lily. I'm sure you'll do amazing. This artwork is fantastic." April smiled and Lily clutched the drawing closer to her chest. "Thanks, guys." Her eyes started getting teary and Kelsey groaned. "What? They're happy tears!"

Time Skip

"And the winner is..." Chloe read as she looked at all the posters hanging up in the hallway then gasped. "Lily! You won!" Emily cheered as the five girls group hugged. "I can't believe it!" Kelsey shouted.

"I could. That's an amazing drawing, Lily." Said a female voice from behind them. "Huh?" Lily turns around to come face-to-face with (Y/N). Her cheeks dusted a pink as she squealed in surprise.

Yes, Lily has a crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N), but she never had the chance to talk to her due to her shyness. "Your portrait is amazing, Lily." (Y/N) complimented and sent her a kind smile. Lily's face turned a crimson color as she stuttered nervously. "I better go, I'd like to hang out sometime though. If that's okay with you, of course." (Y/N) giggled and Lily nodded her head. "Yeah.. T-That's tota... totally fine wi-with me." Lily choked out. "Awesome. See you around, girls." (Y/N) waved towards all five of them before walking away.


"Ugh! I am never going to pass this stupid class." April groaned as she threw her pencil in frustration. April was sitting on a bench in the park trying to do her (Subject you're good at) homework, but you could guess how that is turning out. "Um, excuse me. You dropped this." April turned around to see a girl with (H/C) colored hair and (E/C) eyes. April just giggled as she took the pencil. "Thanks. I'm just getting frustrated with this subject. I can't even understand this." April gestured towards her textbook and notebook then groaned. The girl sat next to her on the bench. "What's the subject?"

"(S/Y/G/A)." April replied. "Oh! I'm a whiz at that subject, need help?" The (H/C) haired girl asked and April nodded her head. "Please?"

Time Skip

"And done. Thanks..." April trailed off, realizing she didn't ask for this girl's name. "(Y/N)." (Y/N) finished for her. "I'm April." April stuck out her hand for (Y/N) to shake. "Wait, I know you! You're the girl who's a hopeless wreck at this subject in school. That's where I recognized you from." (Y/N) snapped her fingers as she finally caught on. April dozed off before coming to and pointing her finger at the (H/C) haired girl. "And you're the smarty pants who answers every question correctly." April giggled, followed by (Y/N). "It's that late already?" (Y/N) looked at the setting sun and the sort of vacant park. "I better go, see you at school. April." She waved and smiled before standing up and walking away. "See you!" April called after.


"I'm going to be late!" (Y/N) gasped after she looked at the time. She started sprinting towards her school, panting as well. Waking up at eight am with ten minutes to get ready and get to school was not a good way to start a Monday. Groaning in disappointment, she made it to the front doors with a little over a minute to get up the stairs and to her classroom.

She swung open the glass door and took a huge step. (Y/N) sighed before sprinting once again, but once she turned the corner, she crashed into a blue blur, causing herself to fall down. "Oww." The (H/C) haired girl groaned, putting her palm on her head. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, here let me help you." The blue girl said. Seconds later the bell rang. "Dangit." (Y/N) pouted.

"I caused you to be late as well. I'm so sorry." She apologized as she held out her hand for (Y/N) to take. The (E/C) eyed girl smiled before grabbing her hand and being lifted off the ground. "Nah, it's cool." (Y/N) shrugged off herself being late and smiled at the blue haired female. "I'm (Y/N)." She introduced herself. "Chloe. Would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch today? As a token of my apology for causing you to be late." Chloe smiled. (Y/N) nodded her head with a bright smile playing on her lips. "Yeah! I'd very much like that." Chloe nodded her head and warmly smiled. "Meet me in the garden during lunch hour. I'd like to introduce you to my friends. Also, I should let you get to class." Chloe and (Y/N) giggled and the (H/C) haired girl smiled. "Yeah, I should. See you!" The girl then sprinted off once Chloe waved. 


Hello and welcome to my Glitter Force X Reader scenarios and Preferences. I'd very much like to address a few things real quick:

- Unless a request for different pronouns pops up, the reader will have she/her pronouns. Sorry.

- Unless a request for different characters come along, oneshots and preferences for these five are only going to be written. 

That's all, see you later my Glitter babies.

*2/12/18 - Unedited.*

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