Preference 34 | When You're Stressed

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It was hard work trying to get your story published. A 400 page novel was not easy to write and edit. Especially with school in your way as well. You invited your girlfriend, Emily, over to hang out. 

"You need to take a break from that novel."

"I know, but I want to keep going. I want to finish." She grabs your hand, and drags you out of chair, and downstairs. 

"We are going to the park. No questions." She drags you to the park, to get you ice cream, and help you chill. (Hehehe)


A national tennis championship was no easy matter. This meant so much too you, and Kelsey knew that, but when you were on the court 6 hours a day, neglecting everything else, you hotheaded girlfriend was becoming worried. She was watching you practice, and right as you went to get a ball, she grabbed you, sat you down, hugged you, and  wouldn't you get up. 

"Drink some water, and hang with me, okay?"

"Ugh, fine." You playfully roll your eyes.


You were desperate to get your art on the cover of the school magazine. You carried your camera with you everywhere, and it was all you could think about. 

"Hey, you wanna put that camera down, and talk to me?" Lily says, on the verge of tears. 

"Oh, of course!" You put the camera down, and then went to give her a hug. 


You hadn't left your room in 30 hours, designing a new clothes line, so that you could walk that runway like it's no one's ish. April was becoming worried. 

"Hey, wanna come up, and hang?" Your girlfriend says, peeping her head into your room.

"But, I'm busy."

"Well, that leaves me no choice." She grabs you, and drags you out of your room. 


You were overloading yourself with extra work for the school fair. Chloe noticed, and offered to help you, because she could see your eye-bags and sweat dripping from just sitting on your desk.


Huge boxings matching piled on top of your essays was stressful. He would also come over, but you always shoved him away. After a week of this, he just came, and quietly rubbed your shoulder, which you enjoyed greatly. 


Auditions were hard, especially when there was so much on the line. Rascal would come into your apartment, and watch you practice, but he could hear the strain in your voice. 

"My dearest, is your voice okay?"  

"Yea, there's just a lot on the line, so I need to practice. I'm saving up to go on a beach vacation with my friends, and I earn money from these."  You said. Rascal could notice how scratchy your voice was.

"You need to take a break." He pulled you onto his bed, dragged you into his lap, and began to slowly drag you into a kiss. 


Well, sorry this is late, but here it is. Also, do you guys wanna see some more dirty stuff? Comment below! Until next time! 

Wolf :)

glitter force one shots & preferences. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang