Preference 5 | Your Thoughts About Her/Feelings

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Your POV!


I walk down the stairs and go into the living room of my home, I sit on the couch and turn on my favorite TV show, (F/TV/S). After five minutes of trying to watch it, my mind just kept drifting to different places. It mostly just kept bringing up Emily. Her laugh, her smile, her voice, she's all I could think about. I shut off the TV in frustration and flop onto my back. "I can't like her!" I groan. "I mean.. She does have a beautiful personality, she is quite fond of reading fairytales. It's amazing watching her read those with amused expressions. She's beyond gorgeous and I... I like her." My mouth falls agape as I stare at nothing in shock.

"I like Emily.."


"So, honey, how's it like at (S/N)'s school, so far? Any friends?" (Mom's Name) asks as her, my dad, (S/N) and I all sit and eat our dinner. "It's going good. I've met a few friends.." I reply as I take a bite of (Favorite Food). "I see you and Kelsey have been getting close." (S/N) wiggles her eyebrows and I start gesturing for her to cut it out. "Who's Kelsey?" My mom asks whilst glancing between my sister and I. "A friend from school.." I mutter and take a bite of my dinner. "And possibly a lovaaaa." (S/N) laughs and I groan.

"Shut up, (S/N)." I warn, only earning more snickers from her. Standing up, I quickly excuse myself and head to my room, slamming the door. "I don't her. I mean, even if I did, she won't like me back. I don't like her!" I try to tell myself, but a hug at my heart begs to differ. "Then why does it hurt?"


As I'm looking through my artworks, I come across the one I made of Lily that day at the park. She was doing cute little piece signs with a wink and a smile. Her smile is so beautiful. I exhale a dreamily sigh and put my chin in my palm as I stare at the picture. Realising what I'm doing, I put the picture away and cough awkwardly. "No. Lily's just a friend." I say to myself, but I sigh and rub my forehead. "I can't even fool myself, I do like her."


"Ugh, just admit it! You like her! I see you making googoo eyes at her!" My friend, (F/N), nags, causing me to groan and whip a pillow at them, but they dodge it with a playful glare. "You didn't deny it." They point out and I could feel my face heat up. "N-No!" I defend and wave my hands. "I don't. I don't think so, at least." I mumble the last part, hoping they didn't hear it.

"I knew it! You two would be so adorable as a couple." (F/N) wiggles their eyebrows and I toss their phone at them. "Shut it or next time it's these scissors." I joke with a playful smirk and hold up the object at which their eyes widen at. "You like her though, it's obvious." They state and sprint out of my bedroom. "Yeah, you better run!" I call after them with a laugh.


I adjust the strap of my book bag as I pass by the garden of the school, smiling at the work Chloe has done. 'She works so hard and makes this school so much better..' I smile and continue walking towards the school. 'Chloe is so perfect.' I shake my head at the thought and continue walking to my class.

'What am I saying?' I mentally ask in disbelief at my thought. 'I couldn't like the blue haired and eyed, beautiful.. Maybe I could, actually. But would she like me back?'


Sorry if it's short, didn't have much inspiration for this one.
See you in the next one, Glitter Baby!

*3/16/18 - Unedited*

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