Oneshot | April X Reader - Slip Up

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"Am I not good enough? I tried so hard to make this work, all the time I put and effort I did just so you could be happy! I bent over backwards for you! Am I so annoying? Am I unbearable? Am I too uninteresting that you had to run into the arms of my best friend?!" April shouts, trying so hard not to cry as she paces back and forth in a room that was only occupied by him and (y/n).

"No, April! That's not what you think, I would never, ever do anything like that to you! Ask Kelsey herself, I tripped! I promise!" (y/n) defends, tears welling up in her eyes as she puts her hands on her head to calm down the anxiety.

April and (y/n) are a very cute couple, they did everything together and one little slip up caused this to go downhill. (y/n) went to go see April at her house, but Kelsey was there as well. April was doing something for her little siblings and (y/n) accidentally slipped, she would've been sent smashing into the ground if Kelsey hadn't caught her, they landed in an awkward position - right when April walks back in.

"No, I don't want to hear it. I saw what I saw and.. I think you should leave," She turns around, not saying another word as she crosses her arms.

(y/n) silently nods her head and turns around, walking towards the exit. She opens the door and before she walks out; "I love you," she says, loud enough for her to hear before walking out and shutting the door.

Once she hears the door close, April allows the tears to fall as she drops to her knees. She sobs and tries to stop the river of tears streaming down her face.

"I love you, too.


Oof, I made a comeback in the shittiest way imaginable. Anyways;

See you in the next one, Glitter Babies!

**Unedited - 7/13/18**

glitter force one shots & preferences. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora