Oneshot | Kelsey X Reader - Letters

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Dear (Y/N),

It was a pretty normal day, well of normal was trudging around all day without speaking to anyone. I have no idea why I can't eat.. Maybe it's because I miss you. So. Much. Well, how should I start this off? Your smile could light up the whole world, you laugh sounds like an angel. Music to my ears. Your hugs and kisses make me weak in my knees.

..April, Emily, Chloe and Lily all miss you too. They've been trying to cheer me up. I know they're trying and I'm grateful for that, but it's not the same.

It's not the same without you and Chloe bickering about which answer was right. Without you and Emily laughing obnoxiously for the heck of it. Without you and April getting playfully mad at each other and end up throwing the soccer ball at one another after one of you cheated at Soccer. Or you and Lily squealing whenever you two saw an adorable animal.

It's not the same without you here.

It's been four months since you decided to end your earthly journey. Why, though? You were so happy. You loved life. You knew we all cared about you. Why did you do it?

I know some people are just to mentally weak, I know that.. But you were so strong. Determines to win the battle. You were fighting so hard. Every time you laughed I thought you were slowly getting better. You wouldn't just flash a quick smile before looking back at the ground anymore, your laughs sounded so genuine. They sounded so real.

I should've known. I should've been a better girlfriend, I've been trying to ask you if you're feeling better. You would ignore me. No, this isn't your fault.. You couldn't do it. You were fighting your own monsters.. They just ended up being stronger.

The paper is starting to run out of lines to write, but don't worry.. I promise I'll wrote again tomorrow.

I hope you know I love you, I always will love you. You are..were my first love and always will be. I miss you.

Love always, Kelsey


Okay, that was a tough one to write. Oh my God.. What did I write? This just somehow popped into my head and I was like 'Oh, okay, lemme just write a flipping sad oneshot.' Wow.

I'm sort of proud of this... sort of.

See you in the next one, Glitter Babies!

*4/2/18 - Unedited*


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