Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."

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"So, baby, would you like to repeat what you said earlier? As far as tests go, you failed." His grip on my wrist loosens.

I immediately dash outside the house, seeing Chance getting into his car. Anthony is still here as well, in the car behind him. I feel Alexander's prescience right behind me. It allures me to turn and look.

He pulled my hand before stepping towards me. "Look at me Sophia. Right now. You're not leaving here without hearing my side of the freaking story." He says, placing a hand under my chin and forcing me to look at him. My breathing went erratic as he did so.

I couldn't pull away from him, my face burning from his touch. I divert my eyes, looking right past him as he stared a hole into my head. "Look at me." He demands, his grip tightening on my chin. I let out a soft sigh, screwing my eyes shut before opening them again. My vision falls on Alexander. His eyes were a bright green, brimming with red. His face was stern, reminding me much of how he was when I first told him he was pregnant. When he was mean and rude to me.

"Turn around and get back into the house."


"It was not a question, Sophia. Let's go." He says, using the hand that was still on my wrist and guiding me back into his home for the last 44 days.

I walked behind Alex, flustered as I was pulled back inside. Alexander turned his head before saying a hurry up.

This better be good.

"At the field trip, when we went to that farm.." Alexander starts. "you were my buddy. You know how they told us not to leave our buddy? Well, you were the one that wasn't supposed to leave me. I remember you kept arguing about how I held your hand and all that day we kept adjusting and we finally settled on the most uncomfortable shit ever. But after that day, you were my partner for everything. Reading centers, toys, I used to push you on the swings. I thought we were best friends really. But then, when you left like just like that.. I wanted to cry. You didn't even tell me. I just saw you one day and the next day I didnt. But once I saw you again, I needed to talk with you. But I just couldn't intitate the conversation without being hurt. Then when I met Crissy, and I swear I didn't know she was a psychopath, - I ran into her outside your old apartment. I told her I was an old friend. She just updated me about your life and then we exchanged numbers. We had just talked. After we exchanged numbers, she would give me updates almost everyday then she gave me your number. Her and I were like best friends but it was you I wanted to be friends with. Then she met Chance and started to give less updates but I was the one who convinced her to take you out that night. I'm the one who told her to take you to the club. I promise I didn't mean to sleep with you, that was unplanned for. When you had started to flirt with me, I just reacted. But once you did start to flirt with me, I knew I was going to need more of you. Then we started just chatting and drinking and then I kissed you. I couldn't stop after that - I was craving you. Like a dog wants a bone. I needed you. Not just to fuck but to cherish. I'd never felt that zap like I felt it with you. That's when I had started to realize I was obsessed with you. That day you came to my house, I didn't want to say it but I was so happy. I'd had you locked in - I'm completely sorry for getting you pregnant but I do not regret it. Then we just grew closer and closer. When we first started going to appointments, you didn't even want me to come. Then when you has those stupid weird craving in the middle of the night and you kept calling me, I knew it. I just knew it. I was too far deep. I love you. That's when I knew. I would stay awake and time what time you usually asked for your craving and I'd make sure they were already prepared. Originally, I really wasn't gonna make you move in with Maya and I but she just begged me so damn much. I had to ask you and then at one point force you to. I thought about all the benefits of you moving in and there was just too much for you to not move in or the cons of you moving in. I thought. 'Hey we could watch over both her and the baby, never be late for our appointments PLUS I wouldn't have to go across town to deliver food for cravings.' I had my bedroom prepared for you. Maya was so happy to have you around. I was happy to have you around. Then we started doing things like we were dating, missing all our appointments. I am so in love with you, which is why when I heard you didn't want to see me again... I lost it. They had me escorted out the hospital. I lost it. I almo-"

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