Special Bonus Chapter: Riley's POV

Start from the beginning

Where's our mate? My wolf growled. I looked around and Jolene was nowhere. How do you lose a whole fucking person?! He demanded.

Shut up, Angelo, I'll find her. I mentally pushed him. Then I heard a scream from Jolene's bedroom. I got up and out the door and fast as I could. I pushed her door open and called her name. There was no answer and then the en suite bathroom door opened and she walked out wearing a fluffy purple robe.

"Sorry." she said heat rushing to her cheeks. Some of her hair was wet and some was dry... I was confused.

"What happened?"

"I wanted to shower so I went in and I thought I had the hot water tap but I turned on the cold water instead." She pouted. "I'm sorry if I scared you." she paused and her eyes started glistening. "I couldn't see." she added.

I took a step towards her. "Don't...please don't pity me." she said.

"I wasn't-"

"I wanna be alone." she countered. I sighed. "Please."

I retreated back to my bedroom.

She's pushing us away. Angelo mumbled in my head

You think I don't know?

Fix it! he growled

Shut up and let me take my shower in peace! I closed our link as I stepped into the shower. I loved my wolf as much as the next guy but Angelo was too much.

I laughed at the memory of my first shift and my first encounter with Angelo. I was 16 and it was the first full moon of the year. My dad didn't think I would've shifted then but that's because I wasn't supposed to.

It was Max's birthday party and I got into a fight with some kid. We shoved each other around after cussing at each other. It escalated pretty quickly and he right hooked me in the jaw. I was furious. That was when a voice in my head yelled Rip him to shreds! And then I shifted.

It happened so quickly that I hadn't even felt the pain of my bones breaking and reshaping for the first time. I lost all control and Angelo was in the driver's seat. My dad had to shift just to keep Angelo from killing the kid who had soiled his pants.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed. I was walking down stairs when my phone rang...in my office. I sighed and went back up to answer. I didn't even check the caller ID as I put the phone to my ear.

"O'Connor." I said impatiently.

"Riley." my dad's voice said from the other end.

"Dad. How's it going?" I asked sitting on the edge of my desk.

"You tell me. I hear that your hybrid mate is blind, is that true?" he asked roughly. I mentally punched a wall.

"Yeah. It's true. Who told you?" I'm going to kill them! I didn't say it out loud of course.

"It doesn't matter," Damn this stubborn old man, "What matters at this point is the pack. Your mate being as vulnerable as she is now isn't going to work. You need to get her functioning properly again or you two will need to have a long distance relationship." he spoke firmly. He wasn't about to try and separate me from Jolene, was he?

"You know I can't do that. She's my mate." I said through clenched teeth.

"My point exactly. She's your mate. In the state that she is in right now she is your weakness...you need to get her sight back."

"I don't know how!" I snapped.

"Find a way. She is putting the pack at risk because you are not focused. You're the Alpha, you accepted the position, now accept the sacrifices." he said with finality in his voice. The line went dead. I turned a hurled the phone at the wall viciously.

"Fuck!" I yelled. A startled Jolene stood at the door in a shorts and a t-shirt. Her face looked worried. "I'm sorry I scared you." I said running a hand through my hair. 

"It's fine." she barely choked out. She was fiddling with her hands nervously.

"What's the matter?" I asked approaching her.

"I...I know this isn't the best time but I need to tell you this." as I got to her and ushered her to the couch in the corner of the office I could feel her nerves just radiating off of her. We sat down and her head immediately fell, her hair covering her face. "Riley, I...I think it's best if I leave and go to my parents."

I could feel my heart just breaking apart. "No." my voice was barely a whisper.

"I can't do this. It's selfish of me to assume the position of Luna in my state and to expect you to want a mate in this state."


"Let me finish," she sniffed. "You're an alpha and you've been dealt a shit hand when it comes to the mate department and I only wish that I could be the girl you deserve and-"

"You're breaking us." I wasn't the one that let the words leave my mouth. Angelo had taken over and I had let him. Jolene wouldn't know the difference, she can't see my eyes. "You've completed me, don't walk away, please. I've told you this before, I want you here. I don't know what I can do to keep you here or to let you have hope, even if it's a little....just...just tell me why you really want to leave."

Her head lifted up and her rosy cheeks were tear stained.

"Because I can't love you if I don't love me."

That made me understand.

A/N Hello my readers, if I still have any left, I wanna first of all apologise for my delayed updating. I've been hella busy. I tried to make this chapter as nice as possible. I thought I would add in one chapter from Riley's point of view and let me tell you, this was so hard to right so I'm a little self concious about this chapter. I hope you guys like it.  If you guys have any confusions don't worry, it'll be cleared up in the next chapter.

Please vote and comment.

I love you all, hope y'all still love me.



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