Harry laughed.

"Well the reason I called you so late Harry is that you are needed over here." Tyler said.

"In New Zealand? What's wrong?" Harry asked surprised.

"I just need some opinions about the movie your company is producing which I'm directing and seeing as you wrote it I could really use your help about where I'm stuck." Tyler explained and Harry hummed.

Harry had written scripts of a movie which he didn't even plan on releasing but Liam had found them and took them to Harry's dad who developed them then when Tyler came to seal a deal with Harry his dad gave him the scripts.

He immediately loved them and said he'd direct it.

When Liam and Mr. Styles had told Harry, he was surprised and he didn't actually believe that Tyler would go ahead and so soon.

"Wow! I can't believe you actually went through with that!" Harry mused.

"It's a good story line Harry. And it's also coming along quite well but like I said I really need you over here." Tyler said and went on to explain to Harry where he was stuck.

"So you need me when?" Harry asked after understanding the director's query.

"Probably the other day if can manage to start off tomorrow."
Tyler said.

Harry then checked his schedule and told the man on the end that he would leave for NZ the following day.

They said they goodbyes and hung up.

Harry then called his parents and told them that he'd be leaving the next day and his dad called the captain to prepare the family private jet for the next day.

Deciding that he would continue calling Niall the next day, he packed his duffle bag and fell asleep.

After about an hour, he woke up to the sound of his phone.

When he looked at it, the light momentarily blinded him but he answered nonetheless.

It was the captain of the family jet.
He told Harry that the weather would not allow them to fly out the next day and asked if they could reschedule or fly out in an hour.

Harry wanted to go to NZ quickly so he could come back and talk to Niall before the festival so he decided to leave in an hour.

He quickly got ready and called his driver to pick him up.

Soon he was seated on a plane about to take off.

He called Niall one more time and left a message telling him that he was infact Harry Styles his imaginary boyfriend and that he had fallen in love with him.

Then they took off and he switched off his phone hoping Niall would call him when he landed.


Meanwhile as soon as Niall got through the door of his shared flat, Louis embraced him in a tight hug.

Then he was led to his bedroom and Louis helped him in bed, sliding in next to the blonde.

Louis had seen the state his friend was in and he knew immediately that something was not right. He decided not to ask him anything and wait till he was ready to talk about it.

Niall lay in his bestfriend's arms thinking about how his night had turned out.

When Edward had said that he already knew, Niall freaked out even more.

Accidentally On Purpose [Narry] ✔Where stories live. Discover now