Chapter 26: The Subway

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At the Kronos Facility, Barnes enters Burton's cell.

Barnes: Comfy?

Burton: Not really....

Barnes sits down in front of Burton.

Barnes: You know; I remember the last time we were here; only I was in chains last time, and you were in my position....

Burton: You killed my brother....

Barnes: Colin was good man, but he had the baggage of emotions...he was a friend....and it pained me to kill failed him as a brother.

Burton charges at Barnes, but the chains hold him back.

Burton: Fuck you!

Barnes: least, you still got a son....and I promise you when I find him; I'll bring him to you and I'm gonna kill you.

In the APC, a video is shown of the encryption card with Barnes before his death, showing the camera to the Bio Room, where there are multiple canisters of the Python, Cobra and Venom Virus rounded in a cylinder like machine and loaded into a nuclear missile called the Oasis.

Ryan: Dante, if you're watching this, that means I am dead, but it also means that you can stop this. Shed some light and honor to my name. For twenty years, the world has been ripping each other apart due to my selfish actions. This missile right here, the Oasis, it holds every single Python, Cobra and Venom Virus that I have made. With Barnes in command, he's going to use this to launch this to what remains of California. The only way to deactivate this machine is to enter the Oasis Chamber is highly radioactive and two people have to operate it to control it. One on the controls. The other in the chamber. Dante, as your brother, this is the only to atone for what I've done to you. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I love you, big brother.

The video shuts off.

Kyle: So, it's simple: get to the Washington Kronos Facility. Find and destroy the Oasis.

Dante: You know where it is?

Kyle: I never got the tour. I didn't have access to that type of weaponry. Fuck....I wish I had known back then. This missile has a big ass yield.

Nora: We gotta go over and stop them from launching that missile.

Nathan: No, this is getting too dangerous. We've lost enough people. I say we just lay low and hope these guys will get off our ass.

Nora: and where will we lay low?

Walter: Yeah. This is Kronos Industries, Nathan....they won't stop....they never will...

James: Walter's right. We're not walking away....My Uncle gave his life to make sure no one got their stop this it can never be used again...and they've got my father!

Sarah: We're not gonna disgrace their memories by walking away from this.

Dante: They're right.

Nathan: Sarah....I don't need your input in this... No....I'm the leader here.....and I say we run and hide...try to start again....I don't fucking care....

Killen: Nathan.

Nathan: No, we can't lose any more people.

Dante: So, we just run away? If we run away, we spit on the memories of Luke, Colin, my brother and everyone else we lost. All the people who died in Cratersville.... And it doesn't matter where we go or how far.......I may have been new to this world for a few days, but I already know that Kronos is ruthless. They will hunt us down and find us. Kill us. We've got a chance here. Yes, we're smaller now. There are only ten of us. They're not gonna stop until they get me...well, I'd like to see these motherfuckers try.

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