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In a suburban house in California, Dante Fenix, a war veteran is in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and touching his battle scar across his face.

Dante: So much for glory.

Dante's wife, Amanda, calls for him.

Amanda: Dante....

Dante: Yeah, I'm in here.

Amanda peeks into the bathroom as Dante finishes getting ready, before Amanda walks up behind him.

Amanda: You're going to knock em dead at the Veteran's ball tomorrow tonight, baby...

Dante: You think so?

Amanda: I know so. Now, if you could hurry up and get ready so I can look as beautiful as you...

Dante: And as our boy....

Amanda: mmm-hmm....

Dante: Speaking of which, where is he?

Dante steps out and fixes his tie, noticing his young son in his room, Harry, playing the video game, Uncharted, on his PS3 game console while his dog, Sammie, is lying next to him, panting.

Dante: Hey, Harry.

Harry: Hey, Dad.

Dante: Playing that game again, I see.

Harry: Yeah, just waiting for Kara's mom to come get me.

Dante: You sure you don't wanna go to the ball with us instead? You know; your old man did some time in the war which is why he's getting an award.

Harry: But Dad what's so good about getting an award for killing a few guys in the middle east?

Dante: I didn't just kill guys in the middle east. I also represented this country, the United States of America.

Harry: Why didn't you ever become a scientist like Uncle Ryan? Working for that cool company?

Dante: Well, son. Your Uncle is a big nerd. Hence; why he has no girlfriend or wife?

Harry: Didn't Uncle Ryan have a wife?

Dante: Yeah, he did.

Harry: Yeah, he got something called "deforce"?

Dante: Divorce. Anyway, how'd you hear about that?

Harry: Dad, I'm seven, not two.

Dante: The point is; your Dad's a hero because of his time in the war. I'm lucky you know. If it wasn't for me being safe, I wouldn't have made it back to my family.....we're not only honoring me, but others who lived and others who died.

Harry: Do you think they had families, too?

Dante: Of course. Most people serving in the military always have family to think about.

Harry: Dad...

Dante: Yeah...

Harry: You promise never to go back into the army? or leave again.

Dante: I promise, son....

Amanda: Dante!

Dante: Yeah?

Amanda: Your brother's on the news again.

Dante sighs, before he walks on into the living room to notice his younger brother, Ryan, a Kronos scientist in an interview, addressing the issues of an epidemic arising from a serum known as Python and how cases are starting to rise.

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