Chapter 13: Subject 19

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During the nightfall, on a snowy night in Cratersville, Luke and Nathan interrogates Kyle.

Luke: So....Colin says you're a friend of his...that you're a good guy. However, that doesn't change the fact that you're a Zeus Corps you know; Zeus Corps is a part of Kronos....

Nathan: The company which destroyed our world twenty years ago.

Luke turns to Nathan.

Luke: Nathan.

Nathan: Sorry, Dad...just stating the facts.

Luke sighs, before he turns to Kyle. 

Luke: My son does make a valid point. Understand this, son.....we have families here....children....we have we're left with a decision to make....either we keep you in holding....or we kill you...However, we only kill to protect. Walter and Killen elect we should kill you....but seeing as how you helped keep Dante and Killen safe, we're going to have a conversation with what to do with you....Dante and Colin are vouching for you. If you believe in God,'d best start praying.

Dante, Killen, Colin, Nathan and Luke are discussing the matter of Kyle.

Nathan: He's Zeus Corps, Colin. Those soldiers have goddamned trackers on them.

Colin: He doesn't have a tracker on him and if he did, we destroyed it when we destroyed his armor and weapons.

Nathan: Did you even think of how many people soldiers like him has killed?

Dante: It's not like that. He saved me and Killen from that monster. We would've died if it wasn't for him.

Killen: Maybe he saved us to save his own ass. Zeus Corps Soldier types are always like that.

Dante: Where's the soldier now?

Colin: Down in the cells.

Luke: All right.....I've interrogated him and he seems a good man.

Nathan: Whoa, Dad. You're not going to seriously ask this guy questions to see if he can pull his weight around here, are you? He's a Zeus Corps Soldier.

Luke: I'm not considering that, Nathan....but he hasn't harmed our people in any we'll send him on our way.

Killen: I say we don't take our chances and execute him.

Colin: Killen!

Dante: We execute a soldier who's done nothing to harm us in front of everyone, we are going down a road that we will never come from.....

Luke: In a few days, send him packing. That's the verdict.

The meeting is then adjourned. Dante leaves the room as Killen follows.

Killen: Dante, look, I think it's good that you're concerned, but he's a Zeus Corps Soldier. He can't be trusted. Zeus Corps is a part of Kronos, the people who destroyed the world.

Dante: Before we caught him, that soldier called me "Subject 19".....that must mean something. He might know about who my brother is...where my son is...

Killen: Dante, it's not a good go after Kronos....they're just too powerful.

Dante is leaning against the wall outside of a shop, watching Nathan and Colin preparing to explain to Nora about Ian's death.

Nathan: How are they?

Nora: You guys did a good job on that run. These antibiotics and disinfection pills...looks like they did the trick....looks like you and I will be having that dinner tonight later on.

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