Chapter 17: Nightfall

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Dante, Killen, Kyle and Justin talk to each other as they walk through the ruins of the street.

Dante: So where are we going, man?

Kyle: Merritt's Gas Station. Just off the corner of thirteen street.

Killen: There's going to be a lot of hostiles through here and there.

Kyle: Yep. Three-man job, but four makes it "risky". Of course, that's why I asked you two to tag along with someone of your background...military background...there's more of us than meets the eye....and you, Killen, you're the runner type. You can get out quick and easy. Anyway, there should be checkpoints for ammo. Two of em. One's across the bay from here.

Killen: You sure know your way around.

Kyle: you're surprised.

As Killen and Justin walk ahead, Dante speaks to Kyle.

Dante: How'd you know I served?

Kyle: The way you carry yourself. Call it a soldier's intuition.

Dante:  Yeah....I was a soldier...Desipich's your last name, right?

Kyle: Right...

Dante: So what's your first name?

A moment.

Kyle: No offense, old man, but I'm not lookin for a friend. We need to keep moving...cause afterwards, chances are, you people will end up dead anyway. So it's best not to start caring about any of you...cause I really won't shed a tear if any of you die....when you all die....

Dante: You obviously care about Colin....

Kyle: Yeah...but that doesn't mean I care about the rest of y'all. Colin's a survivor...Killen's a're a soldier, but not a survivor.

Dante: There's a difference?

Kyle: In the Apocalypse, there is....

Meanwhile, back at Shit-Canned, Walter and Colin are talking.

Walter: Are we sure about this?

Colin: I know this town and I know Desipich. If anything, he'll keep his word. He hasn't screwed us over yet and I don't believe he will.

Oden is watching Walter and Nathan talk, before Nathan approaches him.

Nathan: ....Oden, you mind if I burrow you for a moment?

Meanwhile, Dante, Kyle, Killen and Justin are walking and spot a raft over down the creak with a wheel.

Kyle: We could use this to get across.

Killen: Sounds good to me.

Dante, Kyle, Killen and Justin begin to use the raft to get across to the other side of the lake while back at Shit-Canned, Nathan and Oden enter a room to talk in private.

Oden: yo, that joke about yo sister, man. Wasn't nothing personal. Also...sorry about yo dad, bruh...Good man.

Nathan: Thanks.

Oden pulls out a box of cigarettes, then offers one to Nathan.

Oden:  Cigarette?

Nathan: Nah...don't fuck with that.

Nathan and Oden have a seat.

Oden: So what's this about?

Nathan: What's the cheapest place here? Apartment wise?

Oden: The apartments down at six street....why?

Nathan: I'm thinking about leaving my sisters here, man.

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