Chapter 7: Getting to know people

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Now, nightfall, Dante is walking towards the Theatre as Killen is walking up behind him.

Killen: You've got to live to see one of our shows....

Dante: Are they good?

Killen: we have our shows every December...I mostly go for the women....

Dante and Killen walks into the theatre and sits down in a seat next to James.

James: Oh, hey, bro...

Dante: Hey, man.....I didn't see you there...

James: You here to see the show?

Dante: Yeah.....I hear it's good....

James: We get a lot of new people.....a lot of new talent....reminds us of the old days....

Among the crowd are Justin, Blaine, Nora, Ben and Billy. The curtains open as Nathan is in a suit standing on the stage.

Nathan: Ladies and's everyone doing this evening? We've got one hell of a show for you guys.....besides me.

The audience laughs.

Nathan: Okay, okay....for our first performance, which is nothing like we've never seen before...shit, I kind of feel sorry for the other performances....their attempts of impressing the audience might be very short....but I trust they'll handle themselves with pride. This man spits in the face of danger, challenges the depths of the wasteland, defies Kronos Industries...the Zeus Soldiers...and also proves that humanity is still the master of all of animals......A warm welcome for Walter Smithson, a damn fine shooter, barber and an animal trainer, with his...uh...."dog".

Nathan walks off the stage as the curtain opens, revealing Walter with a stick in his hand and a baby Ratclaw. Between the two are two barrels. A man on the piano is seen playing music on the instrument.

Dante: That's not a "dog".

Walter commands the baby Ratclaw to jump to the other barrel. He commands the mutant to jump again as it jumps to the other barrel. Walter attempts to command it again, but the Ratclaw stands there.

Walter: To the barrel!....stupid mutant! To the goddamn barrel!

The Ratclaw roars and scratches at Walter. The Ratclaw then crawls to the stage and roars at the audience and sprints to the back of the stage. The crew screams as Walter bows.

Walter: Thank you! Thank you! (Runs to the back of the stage as the curtain closes) Get back here!

Nathan stands in front of the stage.

Nathan: well, looks like Walter needs to train that beast properly....or at least, the beast will train him....

The audience laughs.

Nathan: Our next performance is one of our best shooters...and our best fire man.....he once was a Raider, but then managed to turn himself around. He become something a part of this town....and he's ecstatic to show you one of his talents....Ladies and gentlemen...I give you Jacob! Along with our dear friend, Colin.

Nathan steps off the stage as the curtain opens. Jacob and Colin are seen holding torches. Colin pulls out a lighter and ignites Jacob's cigarette. He then ignites to top of the torch. The two then perform a fire show, twirling the torches. Colin puts his head up and holds the burning torch with his nose. Colin throws the torch in mid air and catches it as it falls. The audience claps and applauds.

James: Whew! Yeah! That's my Uncle right there! That's my Uncle!

Nathan steps in front of the curtain as it closes.

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