Chapter 20: Pissed off Eight Legged Freak

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Dante, Killen, Colin and James move forward as the Eight-Legged Titan stalks the group in the upper caverns, before finally jumping down in front of the group. Dante, Killen, Colin and James open fire, hitting the creature in the stomach, before shooting it in the mouth, causing the creature to back away.

Colin: There's gotta be a way to stop this fucking thing!

Dante: The radioactive river below! Push it into the river!

Killen: Keep shooting it into the mouth! Back it into the river!

The group opens fire onto the creature, but one of its legs, knocks James into the wall.

Colin: James!

Colin tends to James as the creature attempts to crush Colin and James with its leg, but Dante shoots it in the eye, causing the creature falls into the radioactive river. Dante looks beneath to watch the creature sink, before hawking a luey into the river.

Dante: Piece of shit.

Suddenly, as Dante turns his head, the Eight-Legged Titan bursts out and claws at Dante, who is now covered in radioactive fluids. The creature eventually succumbs to its injuries, before sinking into the river.

Dante: Uh...I'm not going to turn into anything, am I?

Killen: You would've....if you swallowed any...

Dante: the masks are only on our faces to keep us from swallowing the radioactive fluids? We can breathe in the fumes?

Killen: Oh, yeah....we can breathe in the fumes.....I think....I wouldn't bet money on it though....

Dante: You know what? Twenty bucks says we can breathe in radioactive fumes.

Killen: Deal.

Kyle, Walter, and Bart regroup with Dante, Killen, Colin and James.

Bart: Oh, just in time.

Killen: Yeah, you're just in time to suck my dick.

Kyle: Dude, I can't believe we missed this. I heard all the roaring and loud ass thumping....not to mention; the earthquakes.

Nathan contacts the group.

Colin: Nathan, is that you?!

Nathan: Colin! Thank god! The girls and I have made it topside! We're with Jacob! You guys need to get top side now! Those soldiers are getting ready to decimate the factory!

Dante: How long do we have?

Nathan: A few minutes if best!

Nora: How the hell do we get out?

Nathan: The girls and I took an elevator through an underground factory?

Kyle: Wait...what? Underground factory?

Dante: And a elevator?

James: Who cares? Let's just go before they destroy this place!

Killen: come on!

The survivors in the cavern make the underground factory, where Nora spots an elevator.

Bart: There it is!

The survivors make their way to the underground factory. However, Zeus Corps Soldiers in advanced armor are waiting to ambush the survivors.

Killen: Uh...anyone else notice the high-tech armored soldiers?

Kyle: Ah, damn. They upgraded.

Dante: Is that bad?

Kyle: very bad. These guys are Prime Guards.

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