Chapter 3: Across the Destroyed Landscapes

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Bo: This way. If we cut through downtown, we should reach a safehouse by sunrise.

Bo gestures towards the highway road.

Killen: Let's hope.

Dante: Jesus Christ. The buildings look so tilted. Unstable.

Dante looks up in shock as he looks up at the skyscrapers.

Dante: What the hell happened here?

Bo: Missiles bombed the hell out of the city and the surrounding areas of infected, hoping to kill as much as possible.

Dante: Did it work?

Bo: For a while. Yeah.

Suddenly, the three men heard a cry off in the distance, but like a screeching sound.

Dante: Uh....what the hell is that? That didn't sound like an infected.

Killen: Bo, you hear that?

Bo: Yeah, I do, but it sounds really far away.

Killen: Shit.

Dante: We're safe, right?

Bo: For now. Come on.

The three men continue down the road as they come upon a giant bomb crater.

Dante: Damn. That's a helluva drop.

Dante walks up to the edge and looks down.

Killen: There's a safehouse.

Killen points out a large building with a silver roof.

Dante: That capital building?

Bo: Yeah. That's our safehouse. One of em, anyway.

Dante: Why there?

Bo: It's the one place bandits won't think to, less infected. We need to get around this.

Dante: What is this? Downtown area?

Bo: It was. Now, it's just a crater of a wasteland.

Killen looks around then went over to a skyscraper that was a few feet away from them.

Killen: Over here.

Dante and Bo follow Killen, then get inside the building and start to make their way through it. At one point, Killen opened a door and found a mangled body of a Zeus Corps Soldier.

Bo: He's been ripped to shreds.

Killen: Yeah....

Killen walks up to the body and looks it over.

Killen: Body's fresh.

Dante: Is that bad?

Bo: Most likely....let's not stick around to find out, yeah?

The three walk up to another stairwell when they come up on another body.

Killen: Fuck. Another one.

Killen grabs the dead Zeus Corps Soldier's radio as he listens in.

Dead Zeus Corps Soldier: This is Vasquez in Sector 14. Taylor's dead. We have contact of infected. Level2. I repeat; level fucking two of infected! Wait! Shit! I think I hear them!

Gunfire and screeches are heard as a final scream is heard.

Killen: Sounds like these guys died waiting for backup.

The three head up another set of stairs through the door to their left, only to see a mutated glowing Skinner body up against the door.

Killen: Damn. It's a Krens.

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