Chapter 5: Die Like A Man

Start from the beginning

Bo: Killen....

Killen: Show it to me.

Bo: I'm sorry, son-

Killen: Show me the fucking infection.

Bo glares at Killen, before he pulls back his collar to reveal a fresh bite wound.

Killen: Jesus fucking Christ.

Bo: Yeah...took the words right out of my mouth.

Bo lets go of his collar and walks up to Dante.

Bo: Give me your arm.

Bo rolls up Dante's sleeve, where his infection mark is.

Bo: Twenty-years, Killen! See the difference?! Huh?! This mark on this man is twenty-fucking-years old. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already bad!

Bo lets go of Dante's arm and walks in front of Killen.

Bo: This shit is fucking real, Killen. You've gotta get this man back home to Cratersville, so the people can help him find his scientist of a brother and help stop this shit.

Killen: No. No fucking way. You may believe in this magic bite shit, but I sure as shit don't. I'm not doing that.

Bo: The hell you're not. Look...

Bo steps closer, giving him a pleading look.

Bo: Look, we both know how this has to make this worth it.

At the moment, the engine of a Zeus Corps Helicopter is heard as Dante looks out the window to see a Zeus Corps Helicopter land and drop off several Zeus Corps Soldiers.

Dante: Fuck....Zeus Corps!

Killen: How the hell do they keep finding us?!

Dante: What do we do?!

Killen: We don't have enough ammo for a fight...and their weapons fair better than ours.

Bo cocks his shotgun.

Bo: I can buy you sometime...but you have to run like hell.

Dante: You want us to just leave you here?!

Bo: Yes. I'm dead. Now go.

Killen: Bo, there's no way-

Bo: I will not die one of those things....I want to a I can see my family again.

Killen: Bo, we might just have to surrender, okay?! Let's just-

Bo: No, just go!

Bo pushes Killen.

Bo: Just get the fuck out of here...okay...

Killen stares at Bo for a few minutes, but then nods and gestures to Dante.

Killen: Dante....

Dante: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this, son-

Killen: Now.

Dante and Killen run towards the back of the building, leaving Bo to fend for himself. Killen shuts the door and looks it.

Dante: What the fuck?! What did we just do?

Killen: Stop.

The Zeus Corps Soldiers are heard bursting in as shooting is heard right after. Bo is heard fighting back.

Dante: We just left him to die.

Killen: Stop. You stay close to me. We gotta move.

The two of them head upstairs and walk along the floor, then come upon the balcony and they can see Bo, fatally wounded. One of the Zeus Corps Lieutenant walk up to the fatally wounded Bo and aims his gun.

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