Chapter 10 - The Beach House

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Chapter 10

Ally’s POV

It had been 2 weeks since summer started. 2 weeks since I had seen my ex-boyfriend, 2 weeks since that day. Every day of the past 2 weeks I had spent with my 3 best friends, Jessie, Mac and Jake.

In came Jessie looking very distraught, bringing me out of my reverie of the past 2 weeks.

“What is it Jess?” I asked

“My blue striped bikini, I can’t find it. It’s my lucky bikini and I want to get lucky,” she said, winking at me

Laughing at her, I replied, “It’s either in Mac’s suitcase, my suitcase or still in your underwear drawer.”


“Wait”, I interrupted “have you checked your suitcase?”

Looking away sheepishly, she replied quietly “No”

“Go check it then”, I said to the back of her head as she walked away to go and check her suitcase.

Jessie had gone into a frenzy because we were packing. All 4 of us were going to…. wait for it…. Jake’s parents lake house! I didn’t even know that he was that prestigious, none of us did.

Last week we were all sharing our disappointment about not being to travel to exotic places to have fun but at least we could stay together this summer. We then began to talk about all our old summer ventures and travels when Jake told us about his parent’s beach house; he told us he had only gone there with his family and Faye.

The mention of Faye had brought some disappointment and sadness to his face, which broke my heart a little, he was really cheerful and fun and it was unusual to see him unhappy.

So I suggested we all go there, but to burst our bubble he announced that his older brother was going there as well, with a couple of his friends. This news had also been a shocker to us because we had no idea he even had any siblings. But this only excited Jessie even more and caused her to want to go which in turn made up want to go. Jessie thinks that since there are college boys there she may catch one of their eyes and catch herself a college boyfriend, which is a stupid idea in my opinion.


We had just driven up to the lake house and I was awestruck. It wasn’t a mansion but it was huge, with 2 levels. I took the walkie-talkie off the dashboard and whispered, stunned, to Jessie and Mac, “Are you seeing this?”

“Sweet baby Jesus, we just pulled in and I swear I can watch the scenery all day” Jessie replied as Mac said “Wow, where has this been all my life?” 

Jake just laughed it off then stepped out of his red Lexus – even his car was amazing. Copying his actions, I stepped out of the car, sniffed in the salty sea air and checked out the view in front of me. I could see the sea and the beach from where I was standing but the house blocked most of it. I then decided to check out the house, but before I could I needed to get Jessie. I ran to Mac’s black Impala, sliding my hand over the hood as I reached it then yanked the door of the passenger side to reveal Jessie and shouted at the same time as her “Let’s check out the house!”

She giggled and jumped out of the car. She grabbed my hand and we both ran to the front door of the house grabbing the keys Jake held out for us as we ran.

Opening the door of the house the first thing we saw was the beautiful living room. There was a huge tiger skin carpet laid in the middle of the dark-wood floor. Around the carpet was a dark blue corner sofa with blue, white, striped and spotted throw pillows placed around the sofa and adjacent to the sofa there were two cream leather beanbags. There was a huge flat-screen TV and all sorts of game consoles and controllers.

3 of the walls were painted cerulean blue and on the last was a wall of glass, with a door that slid to the side. On the other side of that glass wall was a patio with tables and a few chairs, I could see myself eating breakfast there. Past the patio was the perfect view of the beach, the golden grains of sand and the deep blue sea.

“Whoa, if this is just the living room I so want to see the rest of the house” said Jessie, sounding very awestruck.

“Jake said that all the rooms were on the second floor, lets go choose the room with the best view” I replied.

Going from room to room we looked through all the rooms mainly checking the windows to see which ad the best view but every room was beautiful and luxurious with an en suite bathroom. We finally choose a room, it had ivory furniture and green walls, the bathroom had granite tops – well, all the bathrooms had that – and even more ivory. The view from our room was gorgeous and totally complete without anything blocking it.

As soon as we had chosen our room we heard the boys walking up the stairs, we heard Mac first who was calling out to both of us, trying to find out where we were.

“Over here” I shouted. He stepped into the room and took a look around.

“Sweet” he commented, “so I’m guessing you’ve made your choice and the rest is up to us?”

“Yep” we replied simultaneously

“Well, it’s a pretty cool room. Oh and your stuff are downstairs”

“Can’t you bring it up for us, please?” I begged giving him my best puppy-dog face, he could never resist.

“Ugh, why. Fine, I’ll bring it up” he said, face-palming himself.

As he left, I turned to Jessie and we both giggled like a pair of fan girls.

“This is going to be the best summer ever!”


Authors Note

I'm so so sorry that I took so long to update but I have school and loads of work so the spaces between my updates might become slightly longer but I'll try my best to update as frequently as possible.

I know this chapter was kind of boring but its the tension before the climax people. What did you think? I really tried to add quite a lot of detail in even with the specific cars. Any ideas on whats happening next chapter? All I'm gonna say is that we're meeting Jake's brother.




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