Chapter 4 - Best Friends

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Chapter 4

Alyssa’s POV

My house was about 10 minutes from the ice cream parlour and walking home all I could think about was how dispensable I was to Johnny. He acted so sweet a lot of the time but sometimes he acted like I was annoying and a nuisance to him. I had just realized that not once had I ever socialize with Johnny’s friends without him there and even when he was there I felt so unimportant to him.

Unlocking the door, I enter the house and throw my key into the key bowl beside the door. My parents, who were sitting on the couch watching TV, turn to me.

“Hi guys”, I say to them.

 My mum, who is crazy perceptive, notices that I’m down in the dumps and gets up from the sofa, exiting my fathers arm and comes to stand in front of me. She looks from my eyes to the bag of ice cream in my hand and asks, “What’s wrong, honey? Did something happen in school?”

“No mum, I’ll tell you tomorrow okay, don’t worry. Tonight I just want to eat ice cream.”

“Okay baby” she says, kissing my cheek then she goes back to sit in my father’s arms.

I walk to the kitchen and put some ice cream in a bowl, and go to my room afterwards. As I get into my lilac and black room, I put the ice cream on the table and take out my phone, realizing it had been on silent the whole time and I forgot to text my best friends, the twins. I had 6 missed calls and 3 texts. 4 of the calls are from Jessie, 1 is from Mac and 1 from my mum. Jessie probably made my mum and Mac call me I open the first text; it’s from Jessie:

Ally, wer r u? U forgot to call again. R u comin to ours or do we have to come to urs? Call okay.


The second text was from Mac:

Jessie is freaking out at y ur not answerin ur phone. I kno u put it on silent 4 school but shes not listenin. Call to let her kno ur okay. See ya l8er.

The third text was another from Jessie:


It was obvious that Jessie was freaking out so I decided to call Mac.


“Hey Kenzo”

“Oh hey Lee, are you okay?” In the background I hear Jessie screaming, “Is that Ally? Give me the phone!” Jessie’s voice becomes louder and its obvious that Mac had given up to his sister.

“Alyssa Christine Reid, what the hell do you think you’ve been doing?” she sceams, I wince at the uttering of my middle name. She takes a few breaths then keeps talking and sounds a lot calmer. “Oh Ally, I was so worried, I thought you had been kidnapped. Please never do that to me again”

“Ming Ming” I say her nickname that she loved, “I am physically okay but I need you guys but I can’t tell you over the phone so Skype?”

Giggling she replies, “You called me Ming Ming, I haven’t heard that in a while.” She pauses then realizes that I’m sad and quietly says “Skype it is.”

Before the call is ended I hear Jessie speaking to her brother “Mac, something’s wrong with her, I think she” and then the call is ended.

While I get out my laptop and switch it on I think about my best friends. Jessica Owen or as we like to call her Jessie is my bestest friend in the whole world probably only because she’s a girl, but her twin brother, Mackenzie comes in close second. Jessie is fun, bubbly, a little crazy and a drama queen but I love her so much.  She is a 5’ 9” brunette with beautiful brown eyes. She’s the one with all the hair, makeup and fashion advice but she gives amazing advice on other things surprisingly.

Mac or Kenzo as I like to call him is the quiet one. He’s smart and would do anything for his sister and I. He and his sister are not identical but they have the same colour hair and eyes but Mac’s hair is slightly darker. Standing at 5’ 10”, he may be a total geek but he has a hot body, which is unknown to the rest of the female population. Mac is the one I go to when I need help with anything else.

I don’t know what I would do without them and that is why I need them now.


Authors Note

Hi guys, did you like this chapter? I'm trying to introduce the characters, how is that going? Let me know what you think so far. COMMENT, FAN, VOTE. Thanks <3


P.S. Thats Alyssa's bedroom at the side -------------->>>>


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