Chapter 7 - Unexpected Events

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Chapter 7

Jake’s POV

Meeting Alyssa had been the best day of the week for me. I had also met her friends, Jessie and Mackenzie, or preferably just Mac. Faye breaking my heart was still on my mind; she smiled at me every time we passed each other in the halls but I could see how distraught she was of me being friends with them. But guilt was the last thing I felt, I wanted her to feel as upset as I was when she broke my heart. I knew I still had feelings for her but I was determined to ignore them and get over her.

Thursday went by pretty normal, got to school just as the others got to school, chilled for a bit over at their car before we went into school. We entered through the double doors about 5 minutes before the bell and went to our different lockers, which were all separated by only a few other lockers. Classes were as boring as usual and lunch was as fun as usual.

Friday, being the last day of school, was a lot more fun but had a few unexpected events. Ally was the only one who needed to get her books for her first class so we all went straight to her locker but as we got there something unusual had caught her eye and she had stopped chatting with us and had turned to get a better look at it. I noticed this and turned to the same direction as she had and what I saw had shocked me and obviously Ally as well, as she audibly gasped.  Before I could turn to distract her from the scene in front of us she had pushed past us and ran out the doors.


Authors Note

Cliffhanger!! I really wanted a cliffhanger in here so here it is. I know this chapter is really short but I wanna try and post another chapter today as well. So what do you think is happened that hurt Ally so much? What do you think is gonna happen afterwards?

I really want you guys to vote and comment pleeaassee!! Tell me what you think and anything you think could make the book better cuz this is my first book and I'm open to advice.




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