Chapter 6 - Guy's Meet Jake

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Chapter 6

Alyssa’s POV

I wake up to a voice calling my name continuously and very very annoyingly and very suddenly, I get jerked out of bed and I am instantly alert. The first thing I see when I look around is my little brother, Nate, then I see Mac and then my dad just watching at the door. I hold my breathe for a second before screaming.

“NAAATEE!!!! You are sooo dead!!! And you, Mackenzie, you better start running ‘cause you are in so much more trouble for helping him. DAAD!!! Why are you just watching them?!”

They all calmly walked away as I steamed on the floor of my room.

“You’ve got 15 minutes and counting!” Jessie called from downstairs.

Rushing to get off the floor and tripping twice, I successfully stand up and get to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, take a shower and get ready in record time. I step into my walk in closet and pull out a purple tank top, dark blue skinny jeans and black boots and change into them. I hardly wear any makeup so I only put on a bit of lip gloss.

I make my bed then pick my bag from beside the door and walk downstairs. As a get a few steps away from the bottom of the stairs I begin to blueberry pancakes and rush down the last few steps into the totally modernized kitchen.

“Ally! You’re here, finally. Time to go” Jessie says as soon as I make my presence known.

“Buh…No, I’m hungry. I want pancakes!!” I whine, like a baby.

Jessie picks up her last pancake and an apple, stuffs the pancake into my open mouth, places the apple in my hand and starts to drag me out of the house, calling out to Mac.

She successfully drags me out of the house and sternly points to the car. I sulkily walk to it and sit at the back, liked a scolded 7 year old. She and Mac enter at the same time, with Mac driving.

When we arrive at school I get out of the car and immediately see Jake. He’s sitting on the hood of his car and is awkwardly looking around like this is his first time in this school. I call him over to us to end his obvious misery.

“Hey Jake. Meet Jessie” I say, pointing to Jessie “and Mackenzie or just Mac” pointing to Mac next.

“Hi, I’m Jessie, as you must know now” she says very excitedly, beaming her perfectly white teeth at Jake. Mac just slightly waves at him. Jake gives them both a smile in return. We all simultaneously turn and enter school.

 School had dragged on so slowly and so boringly, the only up was that I had at least one person I each of my classes. But what made it a lot better was Lunch and Gym, because I had all three of them with me but Lunch was best. Jake had loosened up and Jessie had calmed down. Jake and I had really gotten to know each other, even in the midst of annoying teachers.

After school we parted to go to our different cars. I heard my name being called as I was about to enter the car, I turn to see Jake running towards us.

“Hey Jake, what’s up?”

“Can I, erm, can I have your number?” and as if just remembering I wasn’t the only one there he bends to the level of the window, “oh and yours too” he says, talking to Jessie and Mac.

“Yeah, no problem” we all say simultaneously.

I give him mine and he does the same, I then send him Jessie and Mac’s numbers.

Later that night, just before bed, I was thinking about the day, something I do often. The first thing that popped into my mind was Jake and that was the first time I really got to think about how cute he really was; his warm chocolate eyes, short brown hair and kissable lips.

I could hear at the back of mind, my subconscious telling me not to think about him like that because I had just met him but I was too tired to listen.


Authors Note

Hi guys,

Okay I'm so so sorry for taking a while to post, I wish I could post everyday but I suck at putting my thoughts into words but I'll try. I don't think this chapter is up to scratch and I really do need your feedback.

Please please please let me know what you think so far. COMMENT, FAN, VOTE. Thanks



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