Patrick Stump x Reader - Babysitting

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Following his younger nephews, Patrick found himself admiring the soft smile on your face. You were fond of the two kids, this much was pretty obvious, and you were really good with them.

The next hour was spent by the four of you running around the giant living room like maniacs, pretending to be dinosaurs, or was it wolfs? it changed so many times that you lost track of what animals all of you pretended to be, but it was great fun none the less. Patrick knew many things about nature, and explained, while trying to escape Carl, that dinosaurs most likely had had feathers, instead of scales. He knew many more fun things as well, like how big a Blue Whale was, or how old the oldest tree on earth was. He left no question unanswered, obviously enjoying the children's curiosity.

When all of you were out of breath, and the clock stroke six, you moved into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Melisa had showed you where you could find the ingredients for a noodle-vegetable soup, so the boys quickly went to washing carrots, leeks, kohlrabi and several other vegetables that Patrick and you quickly cut into small pieces. When you put the pot with the water for the soup on the stove, the boys insisted on getting stools, so they could watch how the water started boiling slowly, and how the vegetables and noodles started dancing around in the bubbles.

Soon the soup was almost finished, so Steven and Patrick set the table up for the four of you, while you seasoned the soup, Carl watching you wide eyed.

Over dinner, the two boys excitedly told you all about their adventures in kindergarten, about their friends, and about their grandparents' cats.

"What do we do now," Steve asked happily, once he had finished his soup.

"How about..." you shot Patrick a glance, who was listening carefully to you, interested in what you would suggest, "we load the dishwasher, and then you go brush your teeth and put your pjs on?"

The two children were already starting to complain, not wanting to go to bed that early, but you lifted your hand, asking them to be quiet before you continued.

"And then we can build a pillow fortress."

Their eyes immediately sparkled, and they jumped up, trying to get the dishwasher loaded as quickly as possible, so they could start building their fortress.

Patrick shot you a wide smile when you looked over to him, checking if he was okay with it. You smiled back and went to help Carl with his plastic plate.

After the dishwasher had been loaded, and Patrick and you had helped the boys brush their teeth, they quickly dressed in their pajamas. The two had separate rooms, but because Steven had a bunk bed, Patrick had suggested that the room under the bed, which was already containing a small sofa, would be the perfect base for your pillow fort.

And so you went to work. Patrick and you found a bed sheet that you stretched between the railing of Steven's bed and the desk, so you had a bigger cave. Chairs and blankets around the sides added walls, and then you carried all the cushions, pillows and blankets you could find in the rooms of the two kids into the cave, creating a cozy space that was only lit up by a small lamp that projected stars against the sheet you used as a ceiling.

When all of you were settled down, Carl asked Patrick to tell a story, and he obliged happily. He made up stories about knights and dragons, and frogs and dogs, and the stars and fireflies. In the beginning his voice was loud and excited, pulling not only Steven and Carl but also you into the story he told with so much joy, but after a while, his voice got calmer, quieter, as the boys started to doze off.

You were certain the two were already asleep, but Patrick kept talking for a little longer, before he eventually stopped.

He looked over to you, smiling as he noticed how Carl had curled into your side. Patrick lifted his hand, and motioned to the exit of the pillow fort, and you nodded. Carefully, not to wake him, you shifted Carl's head off of your arm, and shimmied away from him. Patrick and you used two of the blankets that had been lying at the other end of the fort, and covered the sleeping children, making sure they would not get cold.

After you had successfully climbed out of the fortress, and left the room, a very slow and nerve wrecking process, you giggled quietly, following Patrick into the living room, where you both sat down on the sofa.

"You're really good with kids," he complimented, giving you a soft smile.

"Thanks," you answered, hoping the dim light in the room would not allow Patrick to see your blush, "so are you."

Patrick smiled a little wider, and nodded thoughtfully.

"So, what do you usually do," he finally asked, desperate to keep a conversation going.


It was almost midnight, when a key in the lock of the front door announced the return of Steven's and Carl's parents. The two were surprised to find both Patrick and you in their house, but laughed it off, happy that the two of you had had a nice evening. They asked if their sons had been good, and you told them about playing dinosaurs, cooking, and building the pillow fortress.

"Thank you again for looking after them," Melissa smiled as Patrick stepped out the door into the cool night.

"You're welcome, any time," you smiled, and Patrick nodded enthusiastically, before the mother closed the door behind you.

"Sooo," Patrick began. You were now standing on the pavement in front of your parents' house, and if his hesitation to say good bye was anything to go by, he was at least as reluctant to leave as you were.

"I had a great time," you giggled, wrapping your arms around your body.

"Me too," Patrick admitted, "listen, I was wondering... would you like to go out some time? I mean, like a coffee or something?"

Surprised you looked up at him. He was nervous, his hands shoved in his jeans pockets.

"Sure," you smiled, immediately causing Patrick to relax. "I can give you my number, if you like, then we can decide on a time?"

Patrick nodded, and you quickly typed your number into his phone, making sure to read it again before saving it, so he did not end up with a wrong number.

"So, I'll text you," Patrick grinned, unable to tear his eyes off of you.

"I'm looking forward to it," you answered, smiling yourself.

Quickly, before your brain could feel any embarrassment about it, you leant forward and pressed a chaste kiss on Patrick's cheek, before turning away, and running up the steps to your front door.

When you had unlocked it, you turned around, finding Patrick looking at you, a dreamy expression in his eyes. You lifted your hand and waved him goodnight, and he returned the gesture, before you closed your door.

You had just taken off your shoes, when your mobile vibrated, announcing it had received a new message. You unlocked it and read the text displayed.

"I didn't really say good night. Good Night! – Patrick"

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang